Deputy Speaker Kazombo disheartened after Kasungu residents snatch body of Covid-19 victim

Deputy Speaker Madalitso Kazombo, who is also Kasungu East MP, has said he was disheartened to see angry residents of Wimbe Trading Centre in Kasungu district on Friday snatching a body of Covid-19 victim from the health officials to burry themselves.

Kazombo was rebuffed even after he literally lay prostrate to persuade the people

Kazombo was rebuffed even after he literally lay prostrate in trying to persuade the people that they leave the burial of butcher James Banda to the health personnel who had personal protective equipment (PPE) needed in handling bodies of people who succumb to the highly-infectious Covid-19 disease.

The communities accused the health officials of lying to them that the deceased died of Covid -19.
According to them, the deceased  had not succumbed to Covid-19, but from diabetes and high blood pressure.

The deceased tested positive for Covid-19 at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) in Lilongwe on Friday after he was referred there from Kasungu.

Kazombo said he was disheartened to see adamant sympathisers breaking open the casket, which he had bought, and conducting the body-viewing ceremony.“This was despite my lying prostrate and trying to plead with the people to let the hospital personnel to handle the burial,” he added.

Kazombo said he is helping to arrange for Covid-19 tests for family members of the deceased and those who contacted his body.

Kasungu district health officer Emmanuel Golombe is concerned that most of the community members went on to open the plastic wrappers and the sealed coffin and allowed  people to view the body before the burial.

“Our fear now is that many people were exposed,” he said.

Golombe said they will engage the district leadership, including chiefs and other key stakeholders, to give more effective civic education on the matter.

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4 years ago

Follow follow folloooooow!
Follow the leadeeeeer!
Eyetu, these fools are following their Tonse Leader not to believe in COVID-19 bullshit, a DPP propaganda to postpone the elections. Palibepo nkhani apa tiyeni tidzingodya kamodzi patsiku mmene zukhalilamu basi COVID-19 kulibe mfuseni JB kapena Chilima akuuzani kuti muzihagana kawawa, kiss the departed ones to show some love. Servant leadership amwene.

Vincent k sline
Vincent k sline
4 years ago

Thats bad

4 years ago

Tonse leadership!!!

4 years ago

This normally happens when you take people for a ride. It is the same MCP and UTM which is used to tell people that there no convid 19 in Malawi. Actually these people should have beaten you. Learn to practice civilised politics

4 years ago
Reply to  Chitolerapapo

Typical of cadets: to them beating people for no reason is not an issue at all.

nafundo zalo
nafundo zalo
4 years ago

ngati acipatala ati munthu wafa ndi ndi Covid then no need kumati
katuteni anthu
awa akaikidwe uku
kubwera anthu angati
katengeni coffin
aone nkhope

ayhiiiiiiii condeeeee

Dead fr9m Covid bury them with8n hours .
mwatani a Mw umbuli.

Robert Mugabe
Robert Mugabe
4 years ago

Munkawauza anthu kuti COVID 19 kulibe. Lero ndizimenezi muzigona pansi choncho

4 years ago

Wimbe must be quarantined….nobody should enter or exit this area

Zio ine
Zio ine
4 years ago

Servant leadership at its best. While his friends are fleecing government through illegal legal fees and procurement at parliament. You can imagine a company transacting up to MK70m can not afford a computer generated invoice. This should raise suspicion that this is a company created by parliamentary officials to fleece government.

nafundo zalo
nafundo zalo
4 years ago
Reply to  Zio ine

ngati ma PS amene amapempha ma secretary kuwacitila create email address and password!!! whatelse can we expect? and till today the retired /non retired secretaries can access their bosses emails zomwe eniake saziona unless otherwise.
That’s what DPP USED TO DO.

4 years ago

At this rate we are going, Malawi will never develop as a country. The person did not die from Covid-19 but from he had diabetes and high blood pressure…OMG! Diabetes and High blood pressure are a recipe for disaster in Covid-19 patients. Why do you insist on viewing the body? Probably half of those viewers were not related to the deceased. The strange thing is that if I say I have the virus, these people will beat me up so I should not be near them but if I die, they fight to view my body. Sad, backward people.

4 years ago

According to the way this Govt has been handling Convid 19 issues it’s really difficult today to believe that there is Convid 19. Remember what Tonse Alliance was saying during campaign.

Morning Star
Morning Star
4 years ago
Reply to  Phwisani

Dzina lanu ndi maganizidwe anu zofanana. What is’Covind-19’ ? Inu tazingopangani zophwisazo basi!

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