DPP ‘civil war’: MANEB suspends officer over Nankhumwa qualifications’ sniffing, Mpinganjira implicated

The shadow-boxing in the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has taken on a new gear with veteran politican Brown Mpinganjira going all out to destroy DPP’s Southern Region vice president, Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, and Leader of Government Business in Parliament, Kondwani Nankhumwa.

Nankhumwa:  Ended Mpinganjira’s Mulanje political fiefdom and facing enemy action

Mpinganjira was the first multiparty Member of Parliament (MP) for Mulanje Central in 1994 when he was a strongman in United Democratic Front (UDF). He served for three terms before the youthful Nankhumwa won the seat under the DPP banner in 2009. Nankhumwa has since served in various cabinet portfolios both under the late President Bingu wa Mutharika and the incumbent Peter Mutharika.

According to insiders, since he lost the seat to Nankhumwa, Mpinganjira, popularly known as ‘BJ’, has been paying emissaries to sniff around for what he thinks are skeletons in Nankhumwa’s cupboard with an objective of destroying the political career of the youthful politician.


Mpinganjira’s machinations experienced a serious gridlock a few weeks ago when his emissaries, politicians Ephraim Chibvunde (People’s Party vice president), Lawrence Mpofu and Andrew Nkhana, hit a blank wall at the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) apparently in a bid to search for loopholes in Nankhumwa’s academic qualifications, which they never found. They hoodwinked a Mr. C. Mpoya of MANEB that they had been sent by Nankhumwa to “collect” his academic transcripts, which he obliged.

Mpoya gave the three BJ emissaries copies of Nankhumwa’s MSCE and JC.

Sources have revealed that one of the emissaries “has been speaking around” following Mpinganjira’s delays in releasing the K5 million he had allegedly  promised to pay them.

“MANEB management got wind that one of theirs officers had divulged personal qualification details of an individual to strangers, without his written consent. MANEB management has since suspended the officer,” said a source at MANEB.

According to the suspension letter seen by Nyasa Times dated February 4, 2020, MANEB management says it learnt “with dismay” that Mpoya “had divulged information regarding Nankhumwa’s MSCE and JC qualification to a third party without his consent and without the approval of the Executive Director”.

“This is breach of sections 13.5, 1.15, which is “Divulging any information relating to MANEB to third parties without prior authorization by the Executive Director”, and 16.5, 1.21 which is “Disclosing confidential information to unauthorized people.

“For this reason, you are hereby inform you that you are on suspension with immediate effect. In this regard, you will be called for a disciplinary hearing on a date to be communicated to you,” concludes the letter signed on behalf of the Executive Director by a Mr. C Neba, who is MANEB’s Acting Director of Corporate Services.

Both Mpinganjira and Nankhumwa could not be reached for their comment.

Controversial BJ

BJ is never short of controversy. His name featured highly in the attempted bribery of the five Constitutional Court judges who were hearing the famous presidential election case.

Although the Anti-Corruption-Bureau (ACB) Executive Director Reneck Matemba only named former FDH Chairman Thom Mpinganjira, some allege it was BJ who is the mastermind.

So far the running story is that BJ (the schemer) together with Supreme Court Judge, whose name we have withheld  (the facilitator) took money amounting to K500 million from Mpinganjira’s young brother, Thom (the financier), to offer the five judges to rule in favour of the DPP.

According to one political commentator, since BJ joined DPP two years ago, he has succeeded in ascending to the top and now sits at the summit of its internal politics, and also at the centre of some of its serious internal divisions. Within just a few months of joining DPP, he allegedly attempted to convince President Mutharika to anoint his brother, Thom, as his successor when the President retires. But Thom Mpinganjira rejects to join frontline politics as he wants to remain  apolitical being a business mogul.

“BJ has manoeuvred to become one of DPP’s influential inner circle members at breakneck speed.  And that is where things start becoming dangerous for the DPP,” said the commentator, preferring anonymity.

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5 years ago

BJ ndi crook wa ma crook

Laston majola
Laston majola
5 years ago

Muthana konko zimenezo. Why implicating chivunde and Mpofu. DPP kutha maplan

Jeff Mpotazingwe
Jeff Mpotazingwe
5 years ago

Truth be told Nankhumwa behaves like a statesman ndipo anthu akuba a ku DPP amamuopa chifukwa ndi munthu ozindikila. School does not entail good leadership ndipo tonse taona zomwe anthu ophunzira zediwa apanga mu dziko lapansi lino. Nankhumwa is a natural successor in DPP for he has both the guts and royalty in his blood enawa amaganizira mimba zao kaye. Paja tisaiwale kuti miseu yoonongeka yonseyi ndi chifukwa cha C.E.O wa ku Roads Authority Bambo Brown Mpinganjira yemwe wasonkhezeranso kugwa kwa APM. Anthu kupasidwa mipando yabwino koma kumangoba basi. Bingu was totaly right when he said let the work of… Read more »

5 years ago

BJ ! Sava udekesa, kachilombo ka mgaga. Khudze siile seche. BJ’s power is in his tongue. He argues his ways through thick and thin. As long as he remains at the pinnacle of DPP problems wont go away. All he needed was space to speak and be listened to. No one in DPP, literally nobody can stop him. Ask Chair if you doubt this. The guy is canning. By the time he leaves DPP, the party will be irreparable. He will inflict maximum political damage

5 years ago
Reply to  Halawala

Agreed 20%

5 years ago

Nyasatimes and Nankhumwa you really do have beef with the Mpinganjira family, yo!,, a week never lapses without an article praising Namkhumwa and attacking the Mpinganjiras. Your articles are the same lyrics

Malawi belong to the citizens

They can fight against each other until round 12 but they should remember that they will need 50+1 to win the general election in the next 5 months time. After that they can continue fighting until 2024, this time for who will takeover from Peter Munthalika.Wish you all best.

5 years ago

On the face of it DPP looks as a united party. But, alas, everyone fears every, resulting in a very disorganized party.Wa Jeffrey can freely annoy the Northerners, Mphepo is never short of controversy following similar remarks to Wa Jeffrey. And did you read recently about Ben Phiri castigating Mphepo? How about Dausi? He can freely shock the Nation with his remarks on albino killings. The dreaded so-called cadets can freely harrass innocent people, even in plain view of our Deformed Police. But did you ever hear or see APM admonish anyone as a result of all the above misdeeds?… Read more »

5 years ago

at its peak now.

Chilungamo Nchabwino
Chilungamo Nchabwino
5 years ago

In this day and age why do we still have ministers, deputy ministers and parliamentarians with less than a Master’s Degree? Malawi needs to address this soon. We need well educated leaders in all their respective fields. This country has generations of well educated Malawians in all fields of learning. Many of the scenarios this Nation has encountered could only have been perpetrated by inadequately educated men being placed in unsuitable positions.

5 years ago

Academic creditials is not the answer to every leadership. Kukhala ndi degree is not an automatic qualification to good leadership.

Magufuli doesn’t have a masters or PhD but look at what he is doing in Tanzania.
Our President, has all the academic creditials you can think of but why are people against him?

5 years ago

Very wrong mr. The waist of the country are leaned people. professor Peter munthalika, jane ansar, Dr Ntaba, Kamphale all graduates. Aleke Kadonaphani Banda, Richard Chidzanja Nkhoma Nelson Khonje Watson Deleza Kanyama Chiume. Mr Bisani Malawians of integrity but went to nobody’s university. Wise up man

Patrick Banda
Patrick Banda
5 years ago

It’s not all about academic papers!What has Peter done to this nation as a Professor?

Benjamin Kabinda Sakala
Benjamin Kabinda Sakala
5 years ago

Nankhumwa I can a gree that he is not educated because he do know what to do,but Manganya he is educated in Mulenje central

5 years ago

Benjamin !!!!!
Pakati paiwe ndi Nankhumwa ndiye bola bwana Nankhumwayo. Iwe ndimbuzi yeniyeni. Osangolemba muchilankhulo cha bambo wako bwanji ? Kungodzilumaluma yapa .
Usadzayambilenso kulemba zipwisi zako apa

5 years ago
Reply to  Zamadula

Apart from the hate in your tone, you are right Boladi Nankhumwadi

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