DPP councillors fight Chiradzulu DC for sticking to fiscal discipline: Threaten to force Kaleso out
Ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) councillors in Chiradzulu want the District Commissioner Memory Kaleso out for because she is propagating fiscal discipline and refused them to abuse council resources for political activities.

The ward councillors want Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to transfer Kaleso by end of Wednesday or else they will force her out of the office violently by Thursday.
But the DPP councillors argue that the DC is abusing her office, accusing her of removing some officers – acting director of planning, acting procurement officer and acting monitoring and evaluation officer – without involving members if the council.
Kaleso justified her decision, saying the decision was made to seal loopholes of wrongful enrichment by DPP councillors who have links with contractors doing the projects that were going on in some wards.
“Actually one of the councillors collected cheques for one of the contractors up to more than K3 million,” Kaleso said.
According to the DC, the said contractor has not delivered the wood components despite being paid fully.
“In another case a councillor was paying artisan who were hired by the council,” Kaleso disclosed.
She also said the councillors are annoyed with her refusal to pay allowances to attend political meetings of political gurus in the district.
Kaleso strongly believes public funds ought to be used for activities that benefit the larger community.
She has taken a bold step to preserve public resources when the counduct of councillors leaves a lot to be desired.
DPP: the Cashgate Party number 2
Uziwa Izia uchedwa nazo izi. Ife tikudziwa ndiwe wa DPP mmmodzi mwa mbava. Honestly, whatever the case, does it make sense for Councillors to be demanding allowances for attending party meetings from the Councils? Tiyeni tilikonde dziko lathu.
Pliz let pple from Neno comment of this stupid ,devil lady. We know her very well and we have been with her for 3 good years. She came here very very poor and within thee s said yeas , she managed to buy 2 cars, where did she have thee s monies? If you want to prove my point, ask a filling station pump attendant what she was doing before you comment something you do not know. Don’t show your stupidity here bcoz we know her better than any one in ths country. The lady is a People’s Party member.… Read more »
It seems you have something personal with her. For the issues raised here, i think she is handling them very well. Any normal person could not handle these issues any better. Leave your personal grudges aside and you will reason better. Or mwina nawenso ankakukaniza kuba whilst she was in Neno?
Munkaafuna ma councilors, anthu akuba komanso opanda nsapato ngati amenewa amavala silipasi ndiye apeza polemerera .Kaleso uwapane anyaniwa, keep it up.
Ndi ana ochokera kwa mbuye wawo mdierekezi pitala kwawo ndi kuba, kupha, ndi kuononga basi.Palibenso chomwe angachite choposa zimenezi,ndi ana a SATANA awa alibe chisoni ndi dziko lawo.
DC’s used to be respected back in the days. where has that respect gone? the DC is the eye and ear of the president, he/she is the CEO of the entire district whatever happens in that district the DC is responsible and answerable. we need to respect these top Civil Servants they serve a goodwill to the nation though they are ridicule masiku ano by politicians. Politicians (MP’s, Councillors) you need to be schooled on how DC’s operate, because you also serve under their authority whether you are in a ruling party or not. these DC’s are so Powerful than… Read more »
The DPP fish is rotten from the head. The entire DPP hierarchy is rotten. The art they have mastered is that of theft. The head of state is rotten up to the area chairmen. Rotten to core as others have said. The waiting is too long. These guys ought to be out of government by now.
This is commendable the stand taken by the DC is appropriate. However, a lot of government and council funds are not abused by councillors rather by the DCs, Directors, Finance personnel and contractors. Most resources are spent on allowances meant for say 10 days with people only working for a day or two…. In short civil servants are the biggest culprits in abuse of council resources.
You are the best Kaleso, these DPP Thieves must be be stopped from abusing public funds, mbuye wawo Chaponda ndi Peter afinyidwa kale kuno ku Lilongwe
Kaleso bravo!! The Councillors should know their roles and responsibilities and not manupulating the office of the DCs. The Councillors are confused people and they choose to confuse the Council. They are the ones who are stealing through creation of ghosts contractors. DCs and CEOs take care of the Councillors.