DPP denies donating  maize from Admarc

Ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has sprung up swiftly to deny reports that it is responsible for acute shortage of maize in Admarc depots in the north because it has been using its ruling party prowess to buy the K5 million grain which it has been distributing in the north.

Charles Mhango making maize donation
Charles Mhango making maize donation

Party spokesman Francis Kasaira said the party has been buying the maize from private traders.

Minister of Information Jappie Mhango and party official Charles Mhango have been distributing K5 million worth of maize to district hospitals in the past weeks heightening reports that the party was taking Admarc maize.

Kasaira said: “We have been sourcing the maize from private traders. You and me can stand on queue for maize but patients cannot, this is why as a party we sourced the maize and give it to hospitals.”

Chancellor College political scientist Mustafa Hussein said in the absence of the access to Information law, Malawians would never know if indeed the DPP was sourcing the maize from private traders.

Another political scientist Joseph Chunga said it was wrong for the ruling party to donate the maize to score a political point.

Chairman of parliamentary committee on Agriculture  Felix Jumbe said he was surprised that there were no maize in most Admarc depots yet his committee checked and confirmed the availability of the grain.

He blamed some Admarc officials for conniving with vendors to buy in bulks and also transportation problems.

Minister of Agriculture Allan Chiyembekeza said apart from the vendors, there are serious transportation problems as same transporters are also involved in transporting farm inputs fertilizer and also World Food Programme relief maize.

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9 years ago

mukukana chani agalu inu……..? ma vendor ake akutiko amene amakugulitsani chimangacho…….? taona utsogoleri koma izi zokha zandilaka. ndatukwana ngati?

9 years ago

GOVT shud b buying maize for hospitals not dpp.
Ndalama zija anaba bingu kkkkk

2016 welcome
2016 welcome
9 years ago

This is a classic example of African(Malawi) dirty political strategies of ensuring that the society remains in the traps of poverty and illiteracy. They know that the mind of a pauper and an illiterate is very easy to manipulate for selfish political ambitions. There is no any other better explanation as to why Africa and Malawi in particular, is a host of worst socioeconomic and health indicators in the world than the habit of nurturing and glorification of mediocrity.

9 years ago

I don’t care if its from ADMARC or ” other traders ” it is still hand-outs the very thing that this retarded administration campaigned against. The more things change the more they stay the same

ujai eee ujai
ujai eee ujai
9 years ago

This is only de beggining of de yr 2016 but de problems are at deir climax. how r de tingz going to be in de nxt yr if dese wounds r nt recovered? Kod ndale zakumalawi nzotani mmalo mot anthu adzgula chmanga momasuka ma admarc inu mufuna mulemelereponso. Kma ztisunga izi eeish!!!

truth be told
truth be told
9 years ago

Where did DPP got money to buy maize? Cashgate

Mphini Zoyang'anira
Mphini Zoyang'anira
9 years ago

These days there are just too many transporters in Malawi. Should we say that what others have been complaining about that tenders are only given to DPP members is true? Come on Mr. Minister find a plausible reason for the anomaly. For how long are you going to give lame excuses, please?

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