DPP Director of Youth Norman Chisale encourages youth at Kasungu Rally

At a well-attended Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) rally held in Kasungu, the party’s Director of Youth, Honorable Normal Chisale, delivered an inspiring speech aimed at motivating the youth to take an active role in shaping the future of Malawi.

Chisale emphasized the importance of the youth in the country’s political landscape and highlighted the DPP’s commitment to empowering young people through various initiatives.

In his address, Chisale reminded the youth that they are the backbone of the nation and that their participation is crucial in driving the country forward. He urged the young people in attendance to recognize their potential and take up leadership roles within their communities, encouraging them to join the DPP, a party he described as youth-friendly and forward-looking.

“The future of Malawi rests in your hands. You are not just the leaders of tomorrow—you are the leaders of today. The DPP recognizes the value of young people, and that is why we have always made youth empowerment a priority,” Chisale said.

Chisale went on to highlight the various programs and opportunities that the DPP has in place to support young people. These include educational scholarships, entrepreneurial support, and training programs designed to equip the youth with skills needed to thrive in today’s economy. He noted that under the DPP’s leadership, more young people were able to access education and job opportunities, compared to the current government.

“The DPP has a track record of creating opportunities for young people. We believe that when the youth are empowered, the entire nation prospers. We will continue to invest in education, skills development, and entrepreneurship to ensure that young people can contribute meaningfully to Malawi’s development,” he said.

Chisale also took the opportunity to call on the youth of Kasungu to rise up and be agents of change by actively participating in politics. He stressed that young people should not shy away from politics, as it is their responsibility to ensure that the right leaders are in place to guide the nation towards progress.

“Do not let anyone tell you that politics is not for you. It is your duty as young people to participate in the political process, to vote, and to run for office if you have the passion. The DPP is here to support you every step of the way,” Chisale urged.

He further emphasized the importance of unity among the youth, calling for them to work together regardless of their backgrounds. According to Chisale, only by standing united can young people effectively demand better services and hold leaders accountable.

“We need to work together as young people. Whether you come from the city or the village, it does not matter. What matters is that we have a common goal—to make Malawi a better place for all. Let us unite under the banner of the DPP and bring about the change that we all want to see,” Chisale said passionately.

The rally in Kasungu saw a large turnout of young people who were energized by Normal Chisale’s words. His call for youth empowerment and active participation in politics resonated with many, positioning the DPP as a party that continues to invest in the next generation of leaders. With Chisale’s message, the DPP hopes to galvanize the youth vote ahead of the 2025 elections, ensuring that young people play a central role in shaping the future of Malawi.

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