Drama at Masamba and Kayuni bout as results fail to tally with judges points

There was drama at Robins Park in Blantyre on Saturday as Osgood Kayuni was controversially declared the winner of the 8-round non-title fight against Wilson Masamba.

Too close in the bout
Too close in the bout
The bout well patronised
The bout well patronised
Waiting for the announcement of the winner
Waiting for the announcement of the winner

The two Malawi Defence Force  boxers were meeting for a third time with Kayuni  winning on previous two attempts.

Coming to their third meeting, both boxers looked lively despite spending much of the time holding each other. Masamba enjoyed the opening four rounds of the bout but failed to release a punch that could have taken Kayuni down.

Kayuni on the other hand kept Masamba in a tight corner for most parts of the last four rounds but this time around failed to release a hook that could nock down his bitter rival.

However, drama started when results were being announced with one judge being reported to have given 88  points to a single boxer while the bout was only for 8 rounds.

Further, it is also claimed that the announcer declared Kayuni the winner basing on the attire he was clad in on the day and not the corners as it is usually done in boxing.

According to the results which were announced, the first Judge gave Kayuni 88 points against Masamba’s 75 with the second Judge giving each boxer 76 points while the third Judge gave Masamba 78 points against Kayuni’s 75 forcing the announcer to declare Kayuni the winner.

However, according to results which Nyasa Times got from three judges, Masamba was supposed to be the winner of the fight. The first judge scored 79-76 in favor of Masamba. The other judge had scored 79-75 in favor of Masamba while the third judge scored 79-78 in favor of Masamba as well.

Speaking to Nyasa Times, the referee of the bout Mbachichi Nyirenda said what  happened was unfortunate and a shame to the huge crowd that came to watch the bout at Robins Park.

“It is very unfortunate because what the judges had scored were not what we heard from the announcer. It’s an embarrassment to the Masamba camp but I thank them for showing maturity afterwards. I have the scorecards and in all three scorecards, Masamba was the winner and the judges too were supprised to see Kayuni being declared the winner,” said Nyirenda.

The bout was promoted by Mulanje Last Boxing Promotions with financial support from Chombe Tea Foods Limited.

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Dr Manga Sc
8 years ago

So whats the way forward ??????????????????????

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