Dry spell to hit southern region – MET
Weather experts are warning of pockets of dry spells in some parts of the southern region this week, threatening food shortages next year.

Director of the department of Climate Change and Meteorological Department Jolamu Nkhokwe has attributed this to the weakening of the country’s main rainfall bearing system, the intertropical convergence zone.
Most parts in the southern region have been experiencing sporadic rainfall, triggering fears of food insecurity.
Most parts of the southern region however continue to receive a lot of rainfall with flooding in some parts of the region.
Mulungu Atikomele Mtima
….God will provide enough rain this season such that many farmers will decide to roof their fields.
Can someone enlighten me on dry spells , in regards to the sporadic pouring rain !!
Tidya chimanga cha pa malaya a DPP. Mulungu akutilangilatu chifukwa chovotela zopusa
The mulhakos Belt expect another wrap of hunger, u miss treat other tribes but God still take care of these tribes.
U r in charge of this country but every year it’s either dry spell or floods so learn to be together with other tribes otherwise expect more of these kind ndi kumwera kwanuko.
You are talking rubbish like someone without a brain. A cockroach can think better than you. Next time use your brain to think and not your mouth.
Joloza u run away from Malawi bcoz of poverty your mighty DPP has created in Malawi . U are being called names such as Makwelekwere but still u accept to leave there, why ? Bcoz your mighty DPP has messed the economy of our country .
So u are the rubbish one here, come home and face the reality your party has caused.
Salvage supportor, fucked up head of yours.
Eeeeh this is another problem after problems then draught#hunger will strike again
This dry spell in in the south is punishment for helping DPP to rig elections……please our lord have no mercy on them until they repent.
We are waiting the trueth nothing but trueth from you concourt and your friend MLS.
Don’t worry things will be fine, l can see lots of rain pouring our favourite land. No more floods but lots of food people will harvest alot this year, God he is there for us. Next time we must Vote nicely this dry spell it’s punishment because we Choose Devil to be our head of state.