Dual citizenship adopted in Malawi: Parliament nods to amendment of Act

After many years of campaigning, Malawi Parliament on Wednesday  made amendment to the Citizenship Act to allow for the concept of dual citizenship.

The House approved changes to the Citizenship Act that willallow Malawians to hold dual citizenship, a move that brings Malawi in line with much of the world.

Malawian citizenship will now be a citizen of another country.

South African-based legal scholar Danwood Chirwa added his voice to the campiagn  by saying there is need for dual citizenship to be recognised as it makes it possible for people with multi-national identities to retain those identities.

He said it also makes it possible for such people to fulfill obligations to the countries they are affiliated to.

Professor Adamson Muula of the University of Malawi’s College of Medicine  is also on record to have said he supports dual nationality.

Before the amendment, the Malawi Constitution did not allow Malawian citizens and foreign nationals of Malawian descent above the age of 18to hold dual citizenship, as read in the Malawi Citizenship and Immigration Actof 1966.

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6 years ago

Some People will watch their boss failing and sleeping on the Job kuti iwowo azaoneke ngati Okutha Ntchito .Ndie anakugwiritsani Fuwa LA Moto .If Fact the Team ( APM and SKC ) made 76 promises. Pangani implement Osenso Nthawi siri mbali yanu.Anthu Osakonda inu.Nanga Zaka 4.5 mutolandira ndalama za ulele.

Agenga Setting Theory
Agenga Setting Theory
6 years ago

What will change really? Same country, same mentality.

6 years ago

Don’t be racist Infact u don’t know that there are over half a million Malawians leaving and working outside malawi who need to be asured that this is ter country and can bring in alot of investment

Ron Kamwendo
Ron Kamwendo
6 years ago

This is absolutely fantastic !!!
It will permit for a lot of things to be done by the diaspora without fear of losing the precious Malawian Nationality. Proud to be a son of the warm heart of Africa

6 years ago

For my children and the many children who have one Malawian parent, this is great news!

6 years ago

When Chilima coughs, DPP catches a cold. Continue coughing, Sir.

JJ Mbewe the Pathfinder
JJ Mbewe the Pathfinder
6 years ago
Reply to  Kawawa

Iwe Chilima anali ku cabinet, Zonse izi zomwe boma likuchita zimakambiridwa ku cabinet ndipo zinali mu proccess, iye atagalukira akuzitenga ndikuziika poyera. Ndichuifukwa chake akuluakulu ena amadandaula kuti chilima akutenga zokambilanaza ku cabinet ndikukhala his campaign materials, that is why they kicked him out. Chomwenso ungadziwe ndichakuti kubvomeleza izi si a phungu a DPP okha, komanso azipani zina mainly MCP omwenso akufunila dzikoli zabwino. Ine nd i wa DPP koma ndikhoza kunena poyera pano kuti ndimalemekeza mfundo zina za MCP, osati za a Chilima ndi bus company yao.

6 years ago

Fun Fact: “HARDtalk” Chilima was VP, and was privileged with access to cabinet and caucus meetings.
And true to himself, he’s just re-reading his notes from those meetings.
How is this such a difficult concept for his adherents to understand?
Another Fun Fact: Chilima does NOT have original ideas that make sense.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kawawa

Campaign tool for Chilima ends. What else will he say. KKKKKK

6 years ago

APM the quiet one. Just working Baba, no Lubwings

B Gondwe
B Gondwe
6 years ago

This will only benefit amwenye, Ma Nai, Burundi, Ethiopians etc akubawa, Most Malawians do not have Malawian passport. The few Malawians out there are not interested in coming back. Statistically there are fewer countries with dual citizenship that those that do not have. Malawi is plagued with many problems including porous borders and this should nto have been a priority. Tabetsa dziko.

6 years ago
Reply to  B Gondwe

LIES! Clearly you are not in the category so your opinion coounts for nothing.

6 years ago

This is for selfish people who want to be many things whenever it suits them. You are either a citizen of one country or not. I find it hard when people call themselves Black American or Black British. When others just call themselves American.

cool heads
cool heads
6 years ago
Reply to  Msasa

You still live in the stone age period….your head seems to be empty. Open up your mind you’ll see what this means.

6 years ago

Well, well, well. Good move here. There was no news on this front for the longest time, and so people thought APM’s promise was going to be for naught. But the man, the quiet one, has delivered. This will, undoubtedly, benefit the country beyond the individuals in diaspora who, for practical reasons, had to give up the Malawi passport. We should now see some investments by dual citizen Malawians, as their rights will be protected. Many of these people, living outside Africa, are the ones with significant capital to invest, but they are not used to the corrupt practices practiced… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Khuth'upa

Kuth, if people can be strong enough and refuse to pay under the table things can be straight in Malawi.. if we can have system in place report corrupt people to an honest body of Reducing corruption and that body take proper action possibly ARREST those involved in that criminal activities that can be grateful.. If our police can work and ARREST those involved with honestly that can be appreciated If our lawyers or judges judge impartially that can be tremendous job. But look ACB is not arresting people ikuluza milandu yoti angawine, Apolice look they are not delivering what… Read more »

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