Dzuwa Arts Theatre in ‘lets act again’ initiative

The Lilongwe based Theatre Company known as Dzuwa Arts Theatre has embarked on rare initiative known as ‘lets act again initiative’ in a quest to promote theatric talent in the country.

Kaphinde: We observed that theatric acting was dormant in the country
Dzuwa arts performing

Speaking in an interview, Dzuwa Arts Theatre Director, Ignatius Kaphinde SC said that his theatre group decided to introduce lets act again initiative after noticing the dormancy of theatre activities in the country.

“As Dzuwa Arts Theatre we observed that theatric acting was dormant in the country, actors and actresses were not active, for this reason as theatre group we thought it wise to come up with initiative to remind people that there was once a time when drama was at peak.

We also seek to remind actors and actresses that drama was once a culture of entertainment and with our initiative we are calling actors and actresses to get back on theatre ground,” Said Kaphinde.

He added that, with the initiative the group is doing stage theatre performances and in April 2018, the company showcased a play titled ‘Deborah’s Fate’.

The group is currently set to showcase 2 plays titled ‘Four Years Later’ and ‘First and Last’ on September 22, 2018 at Lilongwe Community Hall.

Kaphinde said that, the concept of the two plays tackles issues of love, betrayal, social injustice, spiritual issues, gender based violence and the 50-50 campaign.

According to the director, their new initiative is bringing positive change in theatric industry in the country as the initiative started in the year 2017.

“With our initiative we have seen some fruits in theatric industry in the country, whereby we have seen the coming up of theatre groups and the turn out of people during our shows has been impressive and so encouraging,” he said.

The director is optimistic; drama is one of the tools which can bring a positive change in communities in the country.  However, he said there is a need to promote the theatric industry in the country.

“We believe drama is one of the most important tools to development. We believe if drama can be promoted we can have an informed nation as plays changes negative mindset of people on different issues such as issues of gender equality,” he noted.

One of the country’s Cultural Practitioner, Azaius Mkandawire commended Dzuwa Arts Theatre for their new approach of promoting theatre in the country saying that, the initiative would attract more people to venture into theatric industry and bring the industry back on the peak.

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6 years ago

Nanga ku Blantyre mudafika liti?

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