Either Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority or Goodall is lying!
I can’t believe it that the Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (Mera) can decide to release a jaw-dropping K3 billion to Admarc to buy maize without the authorisation, let alone, knowledge of the Minister of Finance.

More so that Mera wrote the Secretary to the Treasury (ST) informing him and seeking his advice about the decision. No, tell us something else Mr. Minister.
But that is the diet of lies the good minister has decided to feed us with. Or should we say it is Mera that is lying? May be. But most unlikely.
For starters, the Mera board released K2.964 billion at the end of February this year for Admarc to buy 10 000 metric tonnes of maize from the Auction Holdings Commodity Exchange without the approval of the Ministry of Finance! Mera then wrote the ST informing him as well as seeking his advice about the decision.
Mera was, therefore, supposed to wait for ST’s advice before implementing the board’s decision.
But from what the minister is saying, Mera went ahead to implement the decision without the ministry authorising it. This is what I can’t believe.
Anyway, whoever authorised payment, Admarc got the money or maize. This was in addition to the K4.8 billion Parliament had approved for the grain marker to buy 30 000 metric tonnes of maize from Zambia.
Let’s get things right: Mera, as a government body, has no mandate to splurge out such largesse to other government firms without the approval of the mother ministry.
As a matter of fact, not even the Ministry of Finance has the mandate to allow Mera to spend such as an amount of money without Parliament’s approval. But as things are, either Mera bypassed the minister (which is most unlikely) or the minister is lying. But someone must own it. What is for certain is that one of the two institutions went ahead to break all laws in the book. And that is Malawi for you. Anything goes. And with impunity. More likely much more is happening that we will never know.
As if bypassing Parliament is not bad enough, this money was taken from the fuel Price Stabilisation Fund (PSF). The PSF is an account that accumulates funds from fuel sales meant to cushion any rises in fuel products that would raise inflation. The wrong doing here is that using the PSF for purposes other than the intended one is inflationary. PSF is meant to suppress inflation.
Consumers may wish to know that when they buy fuel in Malawi, apart from paying the PSF levy, they also pay the Road Levy, Malawi Bureau of Standards Levy and the Rural Electrification Levy, as established in the Energy Laws of 2004. There also used to be the Drought/Maize Levy which was removed in May 2012 following an improvement in the maize production then.
By the way, just out of interest, how much was in the Drought Levy Fund and what happened to the funds when the levy was removed in the fuel price structure in 2012?
These days we rarely hear about the Rural Electrification Programme. Yet there is a fund consumers are contributing to. How much has the levy accumulated? At least we hear the Malawi Bureau of Standards wants to build an office complex in Lilongwe. As for the Roads Levy, we have seen a few sign posts in town that show Treasury will fund the upgrading of some roads to asphalt level in Blantyre, Lilongwe and Mzuzu. I have read elsewhere that Treasury has released K6 billion to the city councils for that purpose. But is there any activity underway with regards to rural electrification?
I digressed. Gondwe is saying they are investigating. Investigating what? The mess happened a month ago and the Ministry is still investigating! Anyway, whatever is being investigated, Admarc has received K7. 8 billion to buy maize. This should translate in the region of 27 000 metric tonnes of maize.
With the lean period coming to an end soon, the huge amount of money Admarc has received—legally or illegally—should enable it to buy enough stocks from the local market and avoid a repeat of the situation the country has experienced this year where government has had to import maize from Zambia and Tanzania because Admarc was not front loaded to compete with private traders.–Source: NPL
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Money was not stolen it was transfered from one government department to another government department to fill a need for the people. Mera’s role is to keep inflation low they did the right thing by assisting admarc to buy maize and selling that maize at a reduced price, The more maize admarc sells at k5,600 will force the vendors price of k12,000 or higher down lower. Ultimately reducing food cost inflation, Gondwe should be critizied for continuously telling the people admarc had plenty of maize when they did not, The money released to buy 30,000 tonnes was likely donor money,… Read more »
The issue here is one arm doing one thing while the other arm which is supposed to know what the other arm is doing, actually doesn’t know. Furthermore mera is packed with thieves directly linked to dpp. And as you pretty well know dpp is corruption. Nacgate remember, mulakhogate, what next is obviously mera gate. With donor money swirling around buying maize for people, what guarantee do we have that mera money is not going to dpp thieves? This is a good opportunity for dpp to steal with all the money pouring in left right and centre for maize buying.… Read more »
Kamoto must resign. Why did he donate money to Admarc without authority. It is a way of stealing money
Mafia state! Its just a matter of time before these criminals are put where they belong, prison!
Guess who is the CEO of MERA? Ralph Kamoto. And that should tell it all
Nhlane, what is there not believe? MERA did it.
Why is it that people like you always want to put doubts into peoples minds,and pointing fingers. When you are proved wrong you hide behind reporter privilege.
Malawi is full of idiots.
Mr. Goodall, people have over commented on your old age. Look now, the same people who are supposed to save you are doing things behind your back. There is no other good time than this to resign and gain respect. You are just factored in in the Lomwe National Team; you are only there to give image to the donors and nothing else. As a professional yourself, I reserve my comment but I am 100% sure you would not accept this scandalous move to go ahead. a Gondwe, tell us otherwise, this is not on. Do not put your reputation… Read more »
so maize is being used as an excuse for cash gating from MERA!
Any sane person by just looking at the face of our H of S can deduce that he has a certain problem in his head only that power and money are shielding him,if he war poor and udindoless pano akunka naolera ufa mzigayo.nkuona azungu can’t work with him even the Chinese(BRICS) are keeping their distance frm him coz a mad man cannot be trusted.
goodwell ndi mbava dpp yose inadzadza ndi mbava taganizani chimanga chomwe anagula ku farmersworld amagula k11900perBag kugulitsa K5500 kumavenda amagula k12000 pali chilungamo apa kuwerengetsako or report angapereke kuti tagwiritsira tchito ndalama izi?mbava zokha zokha koma chilima chilima ngati ndi iweyodi mulungu akuone
The most worrying issue here is that the money is likely to have been cash gated By these dpp thug thieves.
Why should mera even get involved with maize purchases?
The govt received so much money for maize from foreign countries, where is it?
Gondwe is telling the truth. Mera is full of thieving dpp thugs, so it is possible for them to swindle without telling the minister or ministry. Cashgate as usual. They never learn these dpp thieves. The investigations will go nowhere.