End of fast: Malawi declares June 26 public holiday for Eid al-Fitr
Malawians will Monday June 26 observe a public holiday following a declaration by Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development it is a holiday to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr marking the end of the Islamic Holy month of Ramadhan.
Eid or Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, which is a month of fasting that started on May 27 and will finish on Saturday June 2 and the start of the next month, Shawwal.
In a statement seen by Nyasa Times, Secretary for Local Government and Rural Development Ministery, Kiswell Dakamau said Monday will be Eid Al-Fitr public holiday.
“The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Developnent is, therefore, wishing all Muslims in Malawi and in Diaspora, Happy Eid Mubarak, and the general public a restful public holiday on Monday, 26 June 2017.” Dakamau said in the statement dated 22 June.
Spokesperson for MAM , Sheikh Dinala Chabulika, said: “Eid is one of the most important holidays in the Islamic calendar.”
He told Nyasa Times that the significance of Eid is purely and profoundly spiritual.
“ It is a day for people to thank Allah for all of the blessings he has given them and the strength he has instilled in them to endure the fast during the holy month of Ramadan,” said Sheik Chabulika.
He said Eid al-Fitr means “festival of breaking the fast” after the sight of the moon.
Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and also abstain from smoking and sex during daylight hours throughout Ramadan.
Some scholars believe that the u-ran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during the month, making it particularly holy.
During Eid, Muslims will often purchase new clothes for the occasion, and take part in festivals and celebrations.
Many will wake up early to pray at a mosque or outdoor prayer venue.
This year, Eid starts on Sunday June 25 and marks the start of a month of celebration.
The dates can be adjusted slightly nearer the time due to lunar sightings and changes each year.
This is because the Islamic calendar – known as the Umm al-Qura calendar – is based on the moon’s cycle, whereas the Gregorian one is determined by the sun.
As the two don’t align, the Islamic dates move back by 11 days each year.
Nyasa Times wishes the Muslims a blessed Eid.
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Expect the wrath of Jehovah God Almighty
Malawi is a Christian country
Thanks Malawi dziko lokondana losasalana pa chipembedzo.happy eid Al fitr to all my fellow muslims.ameen
Indeed Ya Allah, relieve the sadness of those who are suffering. Indeed Ya Allah, You take care of the oppressed. Help also the oppressed in the city of Peshawar in north-western province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province; Clarkabad; Kasur district in the Punjab province; city of Lahore (all in PAKISTAN); in Alexandria and the nearby Nile delta city of Tanta as well as town of Malawi in Minya Province in EGYPT; in SYRIA; in Istanbul TURKEY; in Kaduna State and Borno State in NIGERIA; in Marawi in the PHILIPINES now resemble the war-ravaged Syrian city of Aleppo; in KAZAKHSTAN; in Xinjiang… Read more »
We were not worshipping the month but ALLAH. The month is going but ALLAH is still there. So let us continue doing the good works which we were doing in this holy month. It was very marvelous to see boys as young as 10 years braving the thirst and hunger from sunrise to sunset. Teach the young spiritual manners when still young Insha’Allah!!!!!!!!!!!
May i wish all my fellow Muslims in Malawi and all over the world a happy and blessed Eid Al-Fitr. Mal Allah bless our country Malawi and all people (Muslima and Non Muslims) and keep our land a peaceful land. Ameen
The first day of the Islamic lunar month Shawwaal is Eid ul-Fitr, marking a day of celebaration and thanks to Allah, our Creator and Cherishor. Ramadan ends here. Most Muslim celebrate Eid for at least 3 days. Here is what the Prophet use to do on the day of Eid (his Sunnahs), may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. To rise early in the morning. Take a full bath. Clean the teeth. Wear the best cloths that he had. Wear perfume. To eat something sweet like dates before leaving home. Go to the Eid prayer location very early. (The… Read more »
Eid Mubarak to all our readers, blessed Eid, and may Allah accept our fasting and our prayers, and grant us our dua’, and forgive our sins, and make us among the people of Jannah. As we enjoy ourselves on Eid, attending Eid salat by the thousands, satisfying ourselves with traditional sweets, and spending time with family and friends, let’s remember those who will continue to go hungry every day.
May almighty Allah bless Malawi
Dziko langa la malawi warm heart of africa mayiko ena sizingachitike izi koma malawi malawi ndanyadilakwambili
سمى آيات التهاني والتبريكات بمناسبة حلول عيد الفطر المبارك أعاده الله عليكم و علينا وعلى الأمة الإسلامية بالخير و اليمن والبركات وكل عام وانتم بخير و تقبل الله طاعاتكم.
May the blessing of Allah make your days be filled with peace and prosperity, Eid Mubarak!