Ex-speaker Mpasu says Chaponda playing a dangerous game: Warns on parliamentary contempt
Former Speaker of Parliament has warned embattled Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development George Chaponda of a contempt of parliament for his failure to appear before the parliamentary inquiry on maizegate.

Chaponda was scheduled to appear before the before the Parliamentary inquiries alongside Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) chief executive officer Foster Mulumbe on Friday but did not show up.
The former speaker Sam Mpasu said Speaker of Parliament Richard Msowoya can expel him from parliament for disobeying a parliamentary summon.
“He is playing a dangerous game. He is shooting himself in the feet,” said Mpasu.
Mpasu said he will need the same courts he is snubbing to help him when parliament expels him.
The parliamentary inquiry summoned Chaponda to hear his side of the story on reports that he was involved in suspicious dealings, along with Admarc CEO, Foster Mulumbe, in the procurement of maize from Zambia.
Chaponda said he received the invitation to attend the inquiry proceedings late as he was in Blantyre.
But Mpasu, who is the president of New Labour Party, said for a learned lawyer to defy a High Court order and now snub parliament is self destruction of his career as President Peter Mutharika will always not be there to protect him.
“In other countries, the Speaker would have ordered for his arrest,” said Mpasu.
The parliamentary committee, under Section 60 of the Constitution, has powers to summon anyone, including Cabinet ministers.
Meanwhile, the High Court in Mzuzu will on Tuesday make its ruling on whether Chaponda should be suspended or not following an application by the attorney general.
The Attorney General went to the court some weeks ago to cancel an injunction obtained by civil society groups to restrain Chaponda from working.
The civil society leaders also say they are going to the same court on Tuesday to file for contempt of court after Chaponda went to Germany on official duties after the court ordered him to be on suspension.
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It’s very sad how some of you are commenting on Mpasu’s comments. Remember that Mpasuwas once speaker and is talking out of knowledge. So beware, if you think Mpasu is a politically frustrated idiot, just “google” CONTEMPT of PARLIAMENT and appreciate the wisdom of the former speaker of parliament.
Some of you commenting here are ignorant of what honorable Mpasu is saying or you deliberately want to ignore his point for political reasons. First of all Mpasu is a bonafide citizen of this country and is entitled to all rights and freedom of expression is one. No one is barred from exercising these rights irrespective of his or her political background or what so ever. If those people who served in previous governments have valid ideas worth the salt, why not use them. It is irrefutable fact that DPP and its mafias being novices in the political game have… Read more »
Mr. Mpasu, with all due respect, you are getting carried away here: you should point out that you are expressing a political opinion, rather than a legal one. Tell us which country or countries you are referring to when you say: “In other countries, the speaker would have ordered for his (Bwana Chaponda’s) arrest.” Examples please, and they’d better be democratic countries, too. That (arresting the Bwana) seems to me what would have happened during Kamuzu’s MCP dictatorship. And, considering not only your position, but of many others’, during that dark era, I doubt if you yearn those “Stalin” days.… Read more »
Being a lawyer does not mean you can not lose a case,We have seen lawyer being imprisoned eg Ralph Kasambala.
A convicted criminal taking the moral high ground to advise a suspect. #Malawi.
VIVA Chaponda !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are our next president
Zoona zake Alfred mkuluyu wakalamba komanso frustration he knows kuti his dreams of ruling this country 1 day are over. Osapanga retire politics bwanji muzakalima ndikuvina Ingoma ku Ntcheu koma kaka kachipani kamu brief case . Chaponda made it clear that he is not refusing to appear before PAC but the problem was the time he recieved the communication since he was in BT and he has stated that he is willing to appear b4 it if hes given another chance. Nawe iwe Owen Khamula why are you always targeting Chaponda ??????
i agree with you Alfred Mpasu is a frustrated guy coz khumbo lake lofuna kulamula dziko lino ngati president lakanika ndikachipani kawo kamu brifikesi angofuna kupanga attract attention zaziiiii. Chaponda has said he did refuse to appear before PAC but he received the communication late and he has said he’s willing to appear before it if called again
Sam Mpasu – join politics actively otherwise your reactions are out of frustration of your own political failures. Nothing tangible do we expect from people like you who miserably served Malawians and made us stop trusting politicians.
Bad memories of your time are still fresh in our minds – Please, STOP making noise coz you remind us of old bad times we went through during your time
Let’s him play his dirty game trying shoot himself on his bare foot. I think CHIPONDA whatever you mention is so stupid he thinks dpp is above the law. We are watching him very keen.