Father asks Red Lions to cheer his son still in comma after Malawi football violence
Father to a soccer fan who was assaulted by suspected soldiers of Red Lions football club during their 2-2 match against Surestream has asked the Zomba-based soldiers to visit his 24-year old son Godfrey Mwale, who still lies in a coma at Queens Elizabeth Central Hospital for two weeks after being attacked by suspected solders.

The father, a police officer Senior Superintendent Stanley Mwale, says he is still baffled at what happen to his son, who was beaten up by three suspected soldiers as he was waiting for a mini bus to pick him up at the bus stage.
“It is unfortunate that up to now no any Red Lions official has come to see my son. I could have loved if they come to see for themselves how my son is battling for his life,” he said, tears rolling on his cheek.
“I want justice to prevail on anybody who took part in beating my son.
“ I raised my son in God fearing way. He does not drink or smoke. He is a quite boy who never gets into trouble and l never expected this to happen to him. Nobody is above the law. I want justice to prevail,” he said.
Mwale was reported to be beaten up with iron bars and a brain MRI scan shows that among several injuries, he has acute hematoma caused by trauma to the head and also brain swelling.
Last Sunday, Minister of Sports Grace Chiumia visited the boy and she was shocked on his condition.
She described the incident that happened after the match as barbaric.
Super League of Malawi (Sulom) slapped Red Lions with a total of K3.6 million in fines for the club, eight players involved in assaulting referee Boniface Chipinga and their team doctor Gibson Langwe who was also involved in the fracas.
The eight players Lot Chawinga, Dickson Mbetewa Jr who were in the forefront have been suspended for 12 months not to play any game organised by Sulom.
Six other players Boniface Kaulesi, William Chiumia, Mathews Simbeye, George Haule, Thomas Makaombwa and Sunganani Msiska have been banned from playing for six months.
But Mwale said the punishment is manifestly inadequate.
“ My son is in a coma and all they get is game ban for players and fine? My son will never be the same again,” he said.
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Mpititseni kunja mwana wa munthu Bongo usanawonongeke chondee mwee!
Palibeso chifukwa choti asilikali adzibwelera kuchipatala koma kupeza treatment kunja kwamalawi kuti mwanao akhale mmene analili.kapena matimu asilikali amenyene ndalama zapageti apantse mwanao apitile ku India akalandile treatmenta.
@ 24 years still staying with mum and dad?
Vuto la kuno ku malawi asilikali amadzitenga opambana kuposa aliyense ,a sulom kodi super leage singayende mutachotsa matimu achisilikaliwa?chifukwa chaka chilichose kuma game oti yina ikusewera ndi matimu asilikali kumakonda kukhala ziwawa osangowachotsa bwanji akhale ndi zawo ku ma baracks. kwawoko. Komaso anduna mnyamatayu mutumizeni zipatala za kunja ma bill akalipila a red lions si omwe amupatsa vuto munthuyu.pangani zoti achile otherwise aliyense anakhudzako pomenya mnyamatayu ur days r numberd.
Agalu amenewa ayiwal kuti akudya misonkho yathu,akatiphamo atawalipile di ndani.vuto ndi lotenga asilikali osaphunzila,mitu zani.matimu onse a chisilikali asiye kusewela mpira.
It’s true Tamala Mauwa akunena zoona
the sodiers who wer involved beating the man , i swear the terible troubles ar upon dem
A Sulom chotsani Red Lions mu Supper League and also ban asilikali onse a ku Chichiri camp from watching football otherwise ine zikundiwawa kwambiri,raising a child for 24 years is not a joke,asilikali a kuno kusowa chochita nchifukwa chake akumavulaza anthu chonchi,ntchito yake iti mukunyadila inu
Soldiers are meant to protect its citizens not the other way round..kumalawi chinakula ndi umbuli..most cases asilikali Amakhala busy kulimbana ndi defenceless Pple which is not the case in some countries!! Soldiers like those need to be taught a bit lesson….am warning yu,if yu try to do this kind of shit to one of my family member,i will fight yu with all I have…Malawian soldiers are a disgrace
Wins ndimulodza akapanda kuchira ndikudziwa yamanja mundipweteka mxiiii agalu inu