Financial Crimes Court launched in Lilongwe, hailed as a giant step in speeding up corruption cases

Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Titus Mvalo has said the establishment of financial crimes division of the High Court will help to expedite corruption cases in the country.

Mvalo spoke during the official launch of the division at Area 3 court premises on Thursday in Lilongwe.

This development comes following announcement by President Lazarus Chakwera a couple of years ago to set up a financial crimes division to deal with corruption cases in good time as other courts are also overwhelmed with stockpiles of civil cases.

“This is a fruition of government commitment to establish a special division of the High Court to deal with the financial crimes which include corruption cases, so that all financial matters should be addressed accordingly,” said Mvalo.

Justice Minister Titus Mvalo

The Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister however admitted some challenges which the judiciary face including inadequate space for court proceedings and other administrative operations, saying “We are constructing a judicial complex in City Centre and that is supposed to have around 40 courtrooms, so as other divisions to be accommodated in the same building.”

He therefore said the whole court place at Area 3 was not meant even to house any High Court division, as it is only a magistrate court centre because of poor structure and dilapidated rooms.

In his remarks, Justice Professor Redson Kapindu who is in-charge of Financial Crimes Division expressed gratitude over the launch of the court as it will ensure to deliver independent, impartial justice in financial and economic crimes matters to the people of the country.

High Court Judge Prof Redson Kapindu

Kapindu said, “To do so in accordance with our judicial oath, which is that we have to deliver justice without fear of favour, without affection or ill will, and we are focused on our mandate and the law.”

He expressed commitment with his sister judges in the division that they shall do what the law mandates them to do and strive to do their best.

Meanwhile, President for Malawi Law Society Patrick Mpaka expressed the need for technical competence and ability of the people that are running the court, and quip them with financial resources and institutional framework for smooth execution of the operations.

Malawi Law Society president Patrick Mpaka

Mpaka gave an example, the High Court Division is currently operating in borrowed premises with only three judges which is worrisome as they fighting against financial and economic crimes.

“You must understand that the criminals in that space will be well resourced. So you need to have serious capacity as we have suggested for the establishment of a special training institution because you need a lot of technical competence to effectively fight a huge battle,” he advised.

The Financial Crimes Division of the High Court began discharging its duties in November 2022, but today is has officially been launched in the books of the Republic of Malawi.

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