Foreign traders flood grain market in Malawi

Concerned grain traders in Malawi have accused foreigners of ripping off Malawians by offering low prices to their crops.

Fatchi: Foreign traders are displacing local in grain market

Chair of the concerned traders Rachel Fatchi said Government gave us the minimum prices but its sad that the foreigners are offering low prices below the minimum standards.

She said the concerned traders are not happy with foreigners who are monopolizing the business.

“If  this continue the local traders will be sent out of business,” she said.

Fatchi said the foreign traders are not following the proper channels and guidelines and they are all over the country hunting for the produce.

“They go even in rural areas without even the knowledge of Malawi government. My fear is that Malawi traders will be displaced from business,”  said Fatchi.

She said the trucks from Tanzania are all over the place such as Nkhamenya, Chatoloma and Mphomwa hunting for sunflower, maize, rice and soya beans.

“We are not happy and we are urging government to act on this,” she said.

She also said the foreign traders are not using the minimum prices set by government/

Ministry of Agriculture spokesperson Priscilla Mateyu said  the idea of of the minimum process is to ensure that every trader is adhering to the set down prices.

She said it is the ministry’s expectation that all the buyers are adhering to the minimum prices.

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cconcerned citizen
cconcerned citizen
4 years ago

its unheard of in most SADEC countries for foreigners to be playing in certain businesses. Businesses like this one, on agricultural produce is reserved for citizens only. Why is it that in our country such businesses are open to non citizens. Its high time that our government looks into this ASAP and stop it.. It will be a way of empowering the citizens to engage in such businesses without competition from non citizens.

4 years ago

Don’t forget that at present the country has no one incharge of it! Things are just happening in Malawi. Those in power are busy chasing after covid19 money for their enrichment.

4 years ago

How are these foreigners, especially from Tanzania, coming into the country? Are they being screened?

Mbonga Matoga
Mbonga Matoga
4 years ago

Are our borders still open during this covid 19 pandemic?

How on earth are we letting in these so called foreign traders into our country when we have been talking about locking our our own citizens insider their homes?

This covid disease did not originate from Malawi, most of the cases are infected from outside our country so why are our borders still open for every Jim and Jack?

4 years ago

What do you expect without political leadership in Malawi. COUNTRY ON AUTO PILOT

4 years ago

The business of selling food should be left exclusively to Locals especially Maize, Soya, beans and rice.

Foreigners should play their trade somewhere else

Kalulu Wadwala
4 years ago

Foreigners during this time of coronavirus? How did they find their way ? I thought our boarders are closed?How serious are we?

nafundo zalo
nafundo zalo
4 years ago
Reply to  Kalulu Wadwala

well the country is on autopilot .
ngati akuwabera alimi a fodya!! they introduced a system without trying it first.
yep under pitala ruling

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