Global Fund mission comes to Malawi Jan 13: Govt rejects ‘NACgate’ link
Malawi government authorities say the coming of Global Fund Mission to the country on 13 January is not connected to the demonstrations that some civil society organizations have planned on the same day to express their misgivings on the alleged misadministration of funds at the Malawi National Aids Commission (NAC).
Information Minister Kondwani Nankhumwa says in a statement that “the truth is that the purpose of the Global Fund Mission is to provide feedback and discuss the latest draft TB/HIV and Malaria concept notes and implementation arrangements.”
Nankhumwa says one of the critical aspects of the process is engagement of relevant stakeholders which he says forms part of the assessment of the eligibility of any country’s concept notes.
“The Civil Society is particularly given prominence in as far as stakeholder involvement in the process is concerned.,” he says, adding: “The last Global Fund Mission happened three months ago in September 2014. This Mission too had engagements with CSO representatives as part of both TB/HIV and Malaria concept notes writing teams.”
In an email message to all stakeholders informing about the Mission, the Executive Secretary of the Malawi Global Fund Coordinating Committee indicated that the aim of the mission is to discuss the latest drafts of the joint TB/HIV and malaria concept notes and implementation arrangements.
“This is in alignment with the change in the New Funding Model where the Global Fund plays an active role in concept note preparation. The delegation will include disease advisors for Tuberculosis and HIV and an HSS expert,” reads the email by Victor Chinyama Executive Secretary the Committee.
However, Nakhumwa says government does not completely rule out discussion on the recent developments during the Global Fund’s meeting with the CSOs “as members of the Mission may still want to hear their side of the story.”
“If this happens, it does not mean that the Mission has been occasioned by the recent developments. The Missions are normal and routine,” says Nankhumwa.
The CSOs are calling for protests over the issue of NAC financial grant to Beatify Malawi Trust (BEAM) and Mulhakho wa Alhomwe (MWA).
NAC is said to have given BEAM and MWA K5 million and K9.4 million, but this did not go down well with some CSOs under the Grand Coalition, arguing that the two institutions do not have HIV/AIDS intervention programmes to warrant such financial support.
It is against this background that the groups have organized the demonstrations as a way of forcing BEAM, MWA to return the money they received from the Commission.
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This is interesting: the more they want to paint someone black,the more it boomerangs back to them.
DEN# says lead us not into temptation. Nankhumwa says we know how to get there.
The cuming of the these guys wil not change any thing, lets just go 4 the planned demos and then they wil know how serious the issues are.
This Government is very arrogant its leaders are so stupid that they can not even read the writings on the wall. you are not untouchables you greedy politicians ( Mbava inu) you join politics to enrich yourself through stealing not hard working. we said yinamukanika academic freedom under ministry of education then jumps to be president. God forbid. Mbendela knows what he did that is why he cried, Yuo will cry again you Mbendela Malawi si mwanawako kapena mkaziwako. fotseki!!
Remember that BEAM is a legal entity, so just deal with it bcoz is not government.
ameneyi ndionama heavy.
Nankhumwa plz, don’t be stupid and don’t lead us into temptations. You know very well that what happened was wrong. Amaya anuwo sangha tenge nada lama za NAC nkumakagulira Mabinogion mtawuni. It is just very unreasonable. An average reasonable human being cannot grub a ventilator from a dying person in the hospital to go and sell it for her to buy waste bins for garbage, it is just too unreasonable to be forgiven and forgotten. Ndiye when commenting be reasonable and know that you, Nankhumwa are not cleverer than the Malawians you are speaking to. Some of these Malawians are… Read more »
Whatever Nakhumwa says, the fact remains aMalawi sadzasekelera utsogoleri wakuba wosololasolola wa DPP womwe udabadwira ku UDF nkuleledwa ndi Bingu & Joyce.Pano wamera mano.More fire CSO!Malawi is for us all and not only for DPP,BEAM,Mullhakho wa Allhomwe,PP or UDF ayi.Andale inu mwanyanya kusaukitsa aMalawi.Watch out!One day is one day.Mwaiwala kale 1993 Referendum.Mukufuna muone chiyani kuti mumve kuti ndale zanu zakatangalezo zikutinyansa?Stop or we better die for a noble cause.
It is too much of a coincidence for Global Fund to visit Malawi now when the issue of Fund money misuse is the current subject of discussion. Magalasi and Nakhumwa are entitled to their interpretations of the Global Fund’s visit but they should not think all Malawians are idiots. By the way all this mess would have been avoided had APM not been as clueless as he is.