Government agrees with Chaponda’s innovative thoughts on promoting tourism in the country

In a rare show of bipartisanship, government has agreed with the thoughts shared by Mulanje South West member of Parliament (MP) George Chaponda (Democratic Progressive Party) in Parliament on Tuesday for the need to balance tourism promotion by luring local tourists as well.

Chaponda: Wants Ministry of Tourism to promote local tourism

Speaking in Parliament in Lilongwe yesterday, Chaponda proposed that, as one way promoting tourism in the country, apart from wooing foreign tourists to come and visit tourist attractions, Ministry of Tourism should ensure that pricing in tourism facilities is affordable for Malawians.

Said Chaponda: “In other countries, locals pay half the price that international tourists pay, including in hotels. Go to Tanzania, they are doing that. Why don’t we have a policy of that nature here?”

Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change Michael Usi, standing in for Minister of Tourism Vera Kamtukule, said the ministry was already working on measures to boost local tourism.

“In fact, studies have shown that local tourism is a bedrock for international tourism because local tourism is going to inform what is happening in the country thereby attracting foreign tourists,” he said.

The minister commended Chaponda for what he described as a “ good suggestion”, saying Malawians should also be able to afford tourist attraction areas.

Usi urged MPs whose constituencies have tourism facilities to play a part in promoting local tourism.

Tourism along with agriculture and mining form the ATM strategy the Malawi Government believes is key to boost economic growth.

Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Simplex Chithyola Banda is on record as having said tourism has the potential to up its contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) from the current 6.7 percent to 11 percent in the next six years.


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