Govt emphasizes the need for well coordinated approaches to advancing energy sector delivery

Government has emphasized the need for stakeholders to come up with well coordinated approach to advancing the energy sector delivery.

Minister of Mining, Monica Chang’anamuno made the remarks on Tuesday during the main Delivery Lab on Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and Power Sector Coordination held in Lilongwe.

She said the energy sector is central to the attainment of Malawi 2063 aspirations therefore without robust energy sector the country cannot build the industries that will create jobs, power the hospitals and school as well as attracting investors.

“We need clear and transparent systems that prioritize the interest of Malawi and ensure efficient collaboration between the public and private sectors, development partners and other stakeholders,” she said.

Chang’anamuno appealed for completion of key frameworks and streamline the processes to ensure that investors and developers are not let down by bureaucracy as well as address imbalances in energy generation, transmission and distribution.

Head of Presidential Delivery Unit PDU also Deputy Secretary to the President and Cabinet DSPC Dr Janet Banda said there is need to focus on providing structured problem-solving pathways to create actionable milestones.

“These milestones will be key to unlocking solutions that will ensure the sustainability, affordability and accessibility of energy for all Malawians,” she said.

Banda added that they recognize that energy generation and supply requires innovative and sustainable solutions.

According to her, one of the principal goals is to diversify the sources of energy particularly by increasing the number of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) off grid and expanding investment in renewable energy which will reduce over reliance on hydro-generated power.

However, the main Delivery Lab will explore ways of resolving obstacles that were identified during energy Pre-labs discussions that may impede the successful execution of IRP and effective power coordination.

The obstacles include regulatory and policy barriers, stakeholder engagement barriers and financial constraints.

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