Govt fails to open MRA offices at border posts

Parliament’s Budget and Finance Committee say it is baffled that the government is failing to open Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) offices at most border posts.

Kapoloma: We  need approval from government

Budget and Finance Committee chairman Rhino Chiphiko said this is making Malawi lose a lot of revenue, money which would have been used to improve the dwindling public service delivery.

“We agreed with the MRA that they should have the offices in our border posts, even where there are unchartered routes to improve their revenue collection but they are not doing it,” said Chiphiko.

He said the country has potential to collect more revenue but government officials mindset is the set back.

However, MRA spokesperson Steve Kapoloma said the issue was referred to MRA line ministry, ministry of Finance and Economic Planning.

He said MRA could not just open such offices without the approval of the line ministry.

Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning former secretary, Ben Botolo, who was at the centre of the whole issue when he was with the ministry, refused to comment, saying he had already wound up his job at the ministry and was heading to ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation where he is principal secretary.

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6 years ago

Peters brother (BINGU )and Peters sister from America assured us that Peter is not fit to lead the nation —and now we have seen it for ourselves —so what’s our next move ??? the same Peter ?? Kkkkk + ha ha ha total foolishness !!

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