Govt says primary school school fund should not go beyond K1000

School authorities have issued a stern warning that school fund in primary schools across the country should not go beyond K1,000.

This comes as some schools are sending back from classes learners who fail to pay school fund which in some schools is K3,000 despite the fact that the government abolished school fees to enable every child access primary school education.
Ministry of Education spokesperson Mphatso Nkuonera warned administrators in some government primary school over the escalating school development fund fee despite the K1000 standard amount that it approved.
Nkuonera said his ministry had received complaints from different people across the country.
“As a ministry we have received such complains and we are not happy with what the schools are doing.
“They are charging huge amounts of money in the name of development fund.  This is contrary to what the ministry set for the recommended amount,” said Nkuonera.
He added that every learner is supposed to pay money amounting to K1000 per term, and the money should be paid when available.
“Anyone whether a teacher is not allowed to tell leaners to pay over K1000 as development fund because to do so it is conflicting with the aim of the ministry by having free primary education in the country,” he said.
Nkuonera said primary school education in the country is for free and by bringing other things above this it means that we are defeating the aim of making primary school education free.
Steve Sharra, education expert said in an interview that the recommended amount which the ministry of education put is K1000 therefore other schools should not take advantage by charging more than that.
“Am asking schools to do what the ministry said. Schools should not be a burden to parents by paying more than K1000 for development,” he said.
Sharra called on government to increase funding to the Ministry of Education so that such problems should not continue in future.
“The government bears a critical responsibility to support and enhance the quality of primary school education by providing adequate funding for their day-to-day operation,” he said.

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