Gwamba dumps Soul Rabel Entertainment
Malawi Hip-hop artist Gwamba has parted ways with Soul Rebel Entertainment (SRE), a week after launching his first album under the label.

Gwamba real name Duncan Zgambo joined SRE in May this year- as artist and share holder- two months after he terminated his contract with Prime Time Media.
SRE based in Lilongwe has been managed by Hip-hop artist, Third Eye, Gwamba himself and Chifwayi Chirambo who is a Law practitioner.
Third Eye revealed on Saturday that Gwamba and another artist, Krazie G have left the label.
”We would also like to inform the general public that Gwamba and Krazie G have left Soul Rebel Entertainment both as management and as artists,” wrote Third Eye on his Facebook page.
”We wish them well in all their endeavours”.
He did not disclose reasons why the two left the label but one of Gwamba’s close associates revealed to Nyasa Times the artist grew tired with Third Eye’s big-headed behaviour.
”Third Eye thought he owned the whole grouping; it was more of him and others could not swallow it anymore,” explained Gwamba’s associate.
Gwamba launched his album ‘Chako Sichanga’ last Sunday. He also released a video of Munthu featuring Tay Grin under the same label.
Recently Third Eye born Mandela Mwanza dragged Gwamba and other artists under the label into a scuffle with another local Hip-hop artist Revolver.
Gwamba once described SRE as a youth movement that is there to work with up and coming artist with the aim of uplifting and showcase their talents, and also to bridge for international organisations, branches and corporate to the youth target market.
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Gyz bwanji mutapanga upgrade chamba cha local chija amaimba achina makawa, katerere, and gwaladi, monga momwe ma artists aku RSA Akupangira ndi kwaito to house.
umatha gwamba…….upange zako apange zake….kip it up…..
Nonse ndi ana kwa Fredokis…..learn from that guy…..
gwamba deserves better
looking at the comments….. i am happy to notice that some guys know that third is the owner of malawian hip-pop…..osati palasada ya mwana wa m’mudzi prop ndi tiaziphwake uko basi kumanena kuti ndine dolo…..hahahah
third next tym do collabo with othe hippop kings lyk….classik….
Hip hop gone wild. Third eye feel u man….
Third Eye ndi dolo wakusekondale,tinyimbo take ndita andagraundi,anayamba ndikale koma zikukanika kutchuka,
Gwamba ndi Dolo ,amatha,ali ndi touch yakeyake.
Ngati Third Eye wakhala akumwa tea wamkamka its bcz he partnered with Gwamba.
R.I.P Third Eye.
Nayeso Krazie kumangosatira kulikonse basi. It’s high time he stepped out of Gwamba’s shadow and established himself on a serious note.
I believe the say that says birds of the same feather flock together, nde ndimadabwa kuti what is it, where is the feathers to point out, the feather that shows similarities, I only found one that your all artist. The melody making a great different wina PUMBWA wina TCHETE two different tone s that twist peoples mind But in this case Mandela will stand. Hip-hop will live again good lucky Gwamba and feel free from real Hip-hop bondage you can move freely the way you like Mandela we are here for you and No matter the conditions but TILINAWE give… Read more »