Injured Bullets defender Lanjesi to miss action until next season

Injured Nyasa Big Bullets defender John Lanjesi will miss action for the rest of the season as he is yet to recover from his ankle injury he sustained while on national duty.

John Lanjesi shielding the ball from an opponent...Photo Jeromy Kadewere
John Lanjesi shielding the ball from an opponent

The player confirmed that he has been advised by doctors not to return to action soon inorder to fully recover from the injury.

Lanjesi said according to doctors, there was a delay in dressing him with a P.O.P.

He has however described his situation as sad.

“Its so sad because Bullets bought me and expected to reap fruits from my services which is not the case now but I will bounce back and deliver once I am fully recovered,” said Lanjesi.

Lanjesi said both his club and the Football Association of Malawi are giving him the needed assistance.

The player was bought from Civo United at the begining of the 2016 soccer season at a fee of K4 million.

He penned a three year deal at Bullets.

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8 years ago

…………don’t worry John umenewo ndiye mpirawo… you can not expect kusavulala…. wish you quick recovery

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