Institute of Marketing warns companies on some adverts

The Institute of Marketing in Malawi has warned companies to desist from making adverts birthed out of a story concerning some members of society that has been trending on Malawi social media platforms.

In a press release signed by the Association President, Isabel Kachinjika says it follows with interest events of the past 48 hours related to some adverts that have been produced by different companies.

Kachinjika: We’re warning brands to be considerate and responsible with adverts they produce.

“Adverts were birthed out of a story concerning some members of society that has been trending on Malawian social media platforms,” reads part of the press release.

Kachinjika said marketing has evolved over the years and newsjacking has become a common tactic used by brands to ride on the wave of trending topics and gain mileage.

She said, while there is nothing wrong with the tactic itself, the Institute feels duty bound to step in when the use of otherwise good tactics infringes on the privacy, peace and well being of members of society.

“It is in light of this that the Institute of Marketing in Malawi would like to warn brands to be considerate and responsible with adverts they produce,” she said.

Kachinjika said, while they appreciate that their intentions might be well-meaning, they can have unintended adverse effects on the individuals concerned.

She promised that as an umbrella marketing body, they are in the process of lobbying government for legislation that will empower the Institute to regulate standards and where necessary take action against would be offenders.

Instead, she calls on the brands concerned to retract their adverts and also issue an apology to the concerned individuals so that we uphold the integrity of the marketing

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