Introducing President Chakwera of Malawi, a man who speaks with God

The man asked him, “What is your name?” “Jacob,” he answered. 28 Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”–Genesis 32:27-28

When you argue with God, things happen. And they happen big!

Chakwera praying

Since taking power as Malawi’s sixth President on Sunday, June 28 2020, Lazarus Chakwera has made brief speeches that indicate that things are not going to be the same as they have been in the past 26 years.

We are witnessing a new beginning in Malawi, moving from dreaming to actually living the dream. This shows that with the right leaders, Malawi can do good all by itself. And Chakwera, the man who argued with God, is forging ahead to take Malawi to that greater good, for all Malawians

The President’s acceptance speech on Sunday had less than 10 pages. He has exhibited that he is a man of few but focused words. He has also started providing briefings to the nation of his day in office. This is something very new and transparent.

An important aspect of Chakwera’s presidency is that of bringing into his Cabinet people that are important, not just members of Parliament (MPs). In the past, presidents have mainly appointed MPs as a way of increasing votes in parliamentary decisions. This has proved problematic as some presidents have failed to get ministers to live up to their mettle.

The appointment of highly qualified persons that are outside Parliament, is a brilliant move that will entail Cabinet operating effectively, and that the President will not be held hostage to keep ineffective or redundant ministers just because they are in Parliament.

Chakwera’s Cabinet is expected to be result-oriented, especially since his new Finance Minister Felix Mlusu presented an amendment budget calling for release of money for fertiliser subsidy.

Another big concern and reason for celebration is Chakwera’s pledge that 40 percent of the Cabinet will be women. If the Cabinet has 10 ministers, four of them will be women. If the Chakwera Cabinet has 30 ministers, 12 will be women. How awesome is that! It is a great and mighty change for Malawi.

As a gender advocate and champion of women’s rights and equality in Malawi, I salute President Chakwera, and celebrate in advance with the new Cabinet members!

To Modecai Msisha, your appointment was absolutely awesome. And I always salute you for your help at The Independent. Congratulations bwana SC.

A new and brilliant indicator is that of allotting a steady flow of work to the Vice-President as head of a ministry. The ministerial designation means the VP has a job that will keep him busy; he’s a young and energetic fellow and will boldly animate the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development. If there are some people who have any doubts they should re-watch the Tonse Alliance campaign trail.

However, I have perceived a more potent ingredient that makes the Tonse Alliance different. Five of the party leaders are in inter-regional marriages. A grand result of this is that there can be no question of tribalism or regionalism from this band of leaders.

It is hard to be regionalistic or tribalistic when half of your family comes from another region. Malawians have another thing to thank God for: the family lineup of the Tonse Alliance leaders.

Chakwera comes from Lilongwe, the First Lady Madame Monica Chakwera comes from Rumphi; VP Chilima comes from Ntcheu, Madame Mary Chilima comes from Mzimba; former president Joyce Banda comes from Zomba, former Chief Justice Richard Banda (Rrd.) comes from Nkhata Bay; Mark Katsonga comes from Neno and Madame Agnes Katsonga comes from Nkhata Bay; and Petra’s Kamuzu Chibambo comes from Mzimba, Madame Kate Chibambo comes from Zomba.

This is 2020, Malawi has raced fast-forward to embrace its dream of being a God-fearing country. Things have changed, Malawians buttressed themselves to pray demanding change seeking and using the judiciary to effect change in government.

President Chakwera, you have surely STARTED STRONG and we pray you will FINISH STRONG!


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4 years ago

Mukanasankha vesi lina, ilili aaaaaa, nde mwati munthu wrestled with God and munthu overcame? meaning mulungu anagiva, kapena analuza?, ati kunkacha nde anamusiya, was he (God) afraid of the day kuti anthu amouna kuti he is wrestling ndi Jacob” or is God afraid of arguments? ndekuti mulungu is handy for argumentsi? and why would God argue or wrestle with man? ndekuti munthu amagwirana nthupi ndi mulungu? (wrestling) izizi pena pake tikanasegukako mmaso nkumazifunsa mafunso okwanila.

pepani zinangondikhuza

4 years ago

Chakwera still thinks Malawi is the Assemblies of God church. Get out and smell the coffee Mr Chakwera. We need actions not manja paguwa thasaaa!

4 years ago

All leaders are God given leaders . Bad ones are removed before end of term of office like the experience of APM in the just ended presidential elections . Chakwera has been brought in by God replacing APM .

4 years ago

You miss one thing in your reasoning !!!!
There is SATAN the DEVIL watching 😈
He will very soon overtake you and all your hopes …….. HE OWNS THE WORLD

4 years ago

You chose to skip the issue of UNIVERSAL subsidy. It’s praise singers like you that have destroyed presidents for time immemorial. When someone DOES (NOT just says they will do) something correct, let us applaud and when they do wrong let us also tell them it is wrong. Lying about the universal subsidy was wrong. He should be told so that going forward he does what he promised and that will keep him in power. Also please remember he is just a human being so do not attach the name of God to him anyhow. Rather let us all remember… Read more »

4 years ago

Whichh God. U must be jocking

Namulondola Njira
4 years ago

Another story from a third world mind. Who told you Janet that he speaks with God. All who are in Christ Jesus speak to God through prayer. Third word thinking of painting some holy picture of someone, thinking he is super human,. This third world thinking has to go if we are to be taken seriously. Shame on you Janet,

4 years ago

Thanks God The almighty, for giving us Chakwera as our leader. We seek your divine power to fill him. Bless him together with Chilima as they do your work of serving us and turning our country from being a tail to being a head, from being borrower to being a lender in Jesus name Amen.

Neserare Noiz
Neserare Noiz
4 years ago

Kuzaufuana upresidential spokesperson a Jeneti pamenepaja. Ayi mwaonjeza, pololani moto. Thy shall not mention God’s name in vain.

Malawi belong to the citizens

Make malawi great again ,no corruption and bribes,we want Malawi wa Tonse from Chitipa to Nsanje.All 28 districts adzitukuka and all 193 constituencies adzilandura development, osati zina amati kuchipani cholamula ndikomwe Kuli chitukuko ayi zabodza zimene zija.The president is for all Malawians.

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