Is Malawi Law Society just blocking AG Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda from being appointed as a Senior Council?

Malawi Law Society (MLS) is visibly and audibly not looking good on the appointment of Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda as a Senior Counsel.

Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda

The society is playing double standards and pathetically stabbing itself in the back—if unfolding events are anything to go by.

What we know is that, three days ago, the Solicitor General Thabo and Secretary for Justice Allison M’bang’ombe released a statement announcing that Nyirenda has been appointed as a Senior Counsel (SC).

After that announcement, we heard from MLS requesting a clarification from the government regarding the conferment of SC on Nyirenda.

In a letter dated August 24, 2024, addressed to Solicitor General Allison Mb’angomb’e, MLS president Charles Mpaka said that the proposed conferral on Chakaka -Nyirenda is based on an application rather than his service as AG for more than two years.

The letter states: “The records of the Society show that Hon. T.C. Nyirenda was admitted to the Bar on July 22, 2008, and lodged the application on July 13, 2022. He had less than 15 years of practice at the Bar. Nevertheless, the application bore a declaration that its content was true. It is perceived that the contents of the application could not have been true at the date of its issuance in reference to the requirements of Section 52(2) of the Act regarding the number of years of practicing the profession.”

In response, the Solicitor General agreed with MLS’s observations but expressed surprise since the recommendations for Nyirenda to be conferred SC came from the MLS itself through its Honours Committee.

The Solicitor General through the issue back to MLS, saying the Society should convene a meeting to address any overlooked issues and advise the authorities accordingly.

So which is which Mr Mpaka and your friends at the society?

Mpaka: New president of Malawi Law Society

In fact, even Nyirenda appear surprised with MLS.

In a detailed response, he responded as follows:

“The MLS on 24th August, 2024 wrote Solicitor General and Secretary for Justice Allison M’bang’ombe questioning the basis of the Attorney General’s appointment, saying he had not yet served for 15 years at the time he was applying for the position

“It is baffling to note that MLS is stabbing itself on its own back as the body is mandated by law to make recommendations through Honours Committee and the President Mr. Patrick Mpaka was part of the committee that approved the name of Thabo Chakaka-Nyirenda,” he said.

Surely, there appears bad blood between MLS and Nyirenda.

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