It is not about who becomes Malawi President but change system of government
Now that we are approaching May 21, 2019, of which I am sure we all know what is happening on this day. The day we queue on long lines with dry cracked lips depicting hunger in the name of “choosing wisely.” The day we cast a vote in the name of “democracy” hoping for change.

I, rather hold a different perception from all this. To me, it is in true sense the day we indirectly employ and enrich some poor mouth touted politicians who deceive citizens with handouts and sugarcoated manifestos. It is the day we joyfully embrace the borrowed leaf; “democracy.” A leaf that has been glued to an already growing tree, that if anything, it can fall on its own like its autumn. A leaf that even if you continually water the tree, will wither, it cannot go green and itcannot attach itself to the branch. Rather it will fall, turn into manure, in turn indirectly benefiting the tree (the Whites benefit).
Hear me on this, if I am told by my mother that “Do not put your hand on that flame, it will burnyou” It is a natural law at work. And if I tell you, the Developing Country that “Democracy and the dependency syndrome will not develop you” It simultaneously is a natural law.
Lean to my words, whether it is Prof. Peter Mutharika, Dr. Saulos Chilima, Dr, LazarousChakwera or whoever you are believing in, if we still are on the stance of democracy, forget about sailing this cracked boat to the shore.
To be precise, democracy acts as a bridge between the poor and the rich countries, both in terms of trade and aid, which in turn the developed countries benefit more than we do. They played us, we were and still are fooled.
We attempt to follow the European ways of democratic governance, but we have legitimacy problems and we are characterized by corruption and autocracy. The colonial powers imposed the democracy on us, which actually is an alien to us. The model of the modern state which was imposed on the African continent lacks the necessary legitimacy for democratic progress.
In turn we experience the economic woes in all sectors of life. Through the democratic elections, we birth thieves. Those that mind personal interests than the general people’s interest, hence we coin them with different “…gate’s” there are.
It may be true that there is a need for economic development before there can be sustainable democracy, as resources and material requirements will remain a priority over civil liberties. Yet the problem is that economic reforms produce new fundamental bias for democracy like depending social inequalities.
One major reason that democracy would not work to develop a developing country like Malawi is the fact that democracy and liberal economic reforms are incompatible because neoliberalism brings about severe violations of political quality and therefore requires non-democratic forms of repression to sustain itself.
At some point, the VEEP said that the change that we need is not that of changing political parties and presidents. That change has worn out. It will not yield anything. The house needsthorough sweeping.
If not for what I am calling for, then try federalism, otherwise presidents will be changed after each and every five years, but we will not see the change we are yearning for.
Democracy has failed us. Mind you, it is not due to the hungry self-centered politicians “running” the government, since even if it was any other type of government, these hungry self-centered politicians would still be there. The main reason is that democracy was imposed on us, we were and still are not ready for it as a developing nation. One other reason is that, democracyhas proved to be loose, hence a lot of loopholes.
Malawi lacks the driving force to development solely due to our democracy’s roots. We are awashed with the dependency syndrome. On the other hand, everyone is a leader on his own. No one can be told what to do, as also is the case with our economy. The currency still devalues and merely resuscitates during the tobacco selling season and they lie to the citizens that the kwacha has gained power. It is the tobacco sales that merely resuscitate the bedridden economy.
Mind you, politics is about who gets what, when and how. So this concept envisaged with democracy, a developing nation is nothing, but a platform where it is exercised corruptly and mercilessly.
Prioritizing a benevolent dictator, federalism or suffer.
- Feedback: [email protected]
Anybody above 60 cannot transform Malawi or bring about meaningful change. MUKAVOTE MWANZERU. Enawa kupha anthu kunayambira KAMUZU through Dausi to ALBINOS.Why Vote MCP and DPP?
Mwapambana chiani amalawi kut Africa yonse kuti musankhe nyamata ,anyamata ndinu othandizira makolo osati anyamata patsogolo.mukamati chinyamata ,mukufuna chinyamata cha achilima chonyoza atsogoleri okupatsa mpando ,pamenepo mukhoza kuwona nokha kut atsogoleri achinyamata mngowononga
I am a thief. My president is a thief. We are both very happy. ………Read Bill Browder, RED NOTICE. Thanks.
Its time for the youth bt not Atupele that guy is greedy only person who can trasform Malawi into better country for all is Chilima
Malawi’s Julius Malema,with his UTM party has still some time to be voted into office as African politics are yet to accommodate the youth.Believe me,he hardly catch a glimpse of a smile vote from masses of Tulonkhondo,Kasonjola,Lelebzya and even Bumphula.
I am a youth and I am not going to vote for an 80 year grandfather who has messed up big time. I am and the majority of the voters who are young are voting to vote for a youthful president. If he messes up, he has more years to witness his mess. Don’t cheat yourself about Julius Malema. Everybody know Malema’s party appeals to less than 10% of South Africans. If you do not know how to make a plausible analysis, why do you ask for help?