James Chimera burial Tuesday at HHI

Burial of veteran broadcaster-cum-politician James Chimera  who died on Saturday at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre, at age of 72, will take place on Tuesday.

According to a programme released by the family, Chimera’s body will be buried at HHI cemetery in Blantyre.

Chimera: Died at age of
Chimera: Died at age of 72

“Burial will be held on Tuesday at HHI cemetery in Blantyre,” said the deceased’s daughter, Yvonne Chimera-Kasekera

Chimere aka ‘Mtengowaminga’  died from heart complications, a condition he was diagnosed with about nine years ago, according to a family member.

He joined Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) in 1970 where he worked in different posts until 1993 when founding president the late Hastings Kamuzu Banda appointed him deputy minister of Information.

Chimera went into active policts and served various positions in Malawi Congress Party (MCP) including that of spokesman before he defected to United Democratic Front (UDF).

After quitting active politics in 2001, Chimera later became Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (Macra) director of broadcasting.

Chimera  came from Mangwalala Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Khwethemule in Thyolo. He  was born on May 6 1943 and is survived by six children and 15 grandchildren.

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Ziliro Songiso
Ziliro Songiso
10 years ago

Its sad indeed. I recall when I was onluy 11 years and started my Form 1 at Kasungu Secondary School in the early 70s where we could gather around a small transistor radio set to listen to one of his prolific music programs: Express DJ!, eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Those were the days indeed. We will miss you James.

10 years ago

#15,,really idiot.

10 years ago

I remember this wonderful presenter with his “JC show” program which people could hardly miss on Radio MBC

10 years ago

My deepest condolence to the
family of the late JC alias Mtengo
wa Minga jenuwini.May His soul
rest in eternal peace. He is gone
but not forgotten.

Adamson Austin Kapezi snr.

My condolences.May his soul rest in peace.

Ngalimba owotcha simba
10 years ago

late chimera said,dont peg the issues on strings.may his soul rest in perect peace.

10 years ago

Point of correction Mr Speaker Sir, from the MCP files we never had James Chimera as MCP spokesman but he was MCP Regional Chairman for the south, when Gwanda Chakuamba was the MCP president, May his soul rest in peace.

10 years ago

I was very young by then but the beautiful voices of Martin Chilimampunga, Benson Idi and James Chimera still linger in my ears. May his soul rest in peace.

Nzika Yeni Yeni
Nzika Yeni Yeni
10 years ago


10 years ago

we will meet one day,we will follow u soon.RIP.

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