Jappie, Yeremiah Chihana demand tangible development projects in the north, not lip service from Govt

Members of Parliament (MPs) from the Northern Region on Monday demanded that the Tonse Alliance government should start implementing infrastructure development projects it promised the region other than just paying lip service.

MP Yeremiah Chihana

The concerned lawmakers, led by Mzimba North MP Yeremiah Chihana and Jappie Mhango, Yona Mkandawire and Kamlepo Kalua, warned that people from the region may consider breaking from the government because of the systemic disenfranchisement from state-funded developmental projects.

They made the sentiments during deliberations in the National Assembly on Monday. The statement did not please their fellow Northern Region legsilators who are serving the Chakwera administration such as Sports Minister Uchizi Mkandawire.

Nevertheless, Chihana, Mhango and the other concerned MPs maintained their stand, warning that the region would not support Chakwera in the next General Elections if his government continues paying lip service to the norther.

They demanded that the Chakwera administration must construct a modern stadium for the region, similar to those in other parts of the country.

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