Former President Dr Joyce Banda has taken up in social media platforms to express gratitude after her appearing on a Time Square billboard in New York, US.
She says on her face book page that she feels honoured after appearing on the billboard.
Joyce Banda
Banda expressed surprise with her picture on the billboard, saying it came as a surprise because she was not forewarned.
She thanked God for her picture on the billboard, saying she has come to believe that if someone is obedient to God and serve his people well with all the heart and being, God favours you in ways that will blow someone’s mind away.
“First time to appear at Time Square Billboard was in 2015 and the difference then and now was that I knew it was coming but this time I am pleasantly surprised , Time Square is the busiest, highest and most prominent position you can find your face on in New York City especially all the way from Kunchilingano House in Domasi,” Dr Banda says.