Kabanza operators, Malawi police clash in Mzuzu

Disgruntled bicycle taxi operators, popularly known as Kabanza, on Friday clashed with police in Mzuzu because of what they have described “unfair treatment” from the former.

Calm was restored after clashes between police and akabanza
Calm was restored after clashes between police and akabanza

 Nyasa Times correspondent in Mzuzu, Chancy Gondwe, says there was “chaos.”

He said the “operators blocked the road with logs of wood to express their anger following an operation by the police that aims at confiscating any bicycle taxi seen around the city’s central business district.”

There was a traffic standstill on the Karonga-Mzuzu M1 road [next to St John of God College of Health Sciences] for about forty five minutes until police came to the scene to quell the situation, Nyasa Times correspondent says.

“But the operators were militant such that the police were about to use teargas when they dispersed,” he added.

A man in civilian clothes, believed to be a police officer, –probably minding and doing his own things and off duty –has been badly beaten, an eye witness told Nyasa Times.

It is not yet clear whether or not the man in question was indeed a police officer.

Mzuzu Police Publicist Martin Bwanali and northern region police publicist Maurice Chapola could not immediately comment.

The bicycles are confiscated to quell traffic congestion in Mzuzu CBD. But the operators, most of who live below the breadline, have no choice.

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9 years ago

Nanu akabanza mwanyanya,makamaka ku Mzuzuko,matigwesanso basi mwangoti nyomi mzinda wa Mzuzu

9 years ago

Tizaonana kovota

Richards Benford
Richards Benford
9 years ago

I took the picture nditaona a police a mzuzu akulanda njinga, koma anandimanga kukanditsekera for 4 hour at mzuzu police station,this police are too corrupt, ACB please investigate them,even interpol depart, i went with my vehicle for check they change me 7000 but GR it was written 5000,my 2000 share in they office.
This DDP gover is like that kodi?

9 years ago

Spite Ku cool so that no more kabanza business

9 years ago

The kabanza are a nuisance on the streets and most accidents are caused by KABANZA. Police get lid of these kaabanza they should operate in remote areas

9 years ago

In Mzuzu, the bicycle taxi is not Kabaza, it’s called Sacramento! Cargo in Karonga, Dumper in Salina and Zobanduka in the South!

9 years ago

why is iy that its only in mzuzu police do their job when they confiscate kabaza taxi operators police leave kabaza operators alone deal with real crimes will authorities transffer all mzuzu police officers they are a disgress

9 years ago

just let them to make their business

9 years ago

nyasatimes i know u listen to us may u pliz place a real pic fo the story.U know what,de story is sirious many bicycles is just piled up at police,go and take pic fo mw to see.Whereelse at plc has bcles like that.This just shows poor admin,come and count how many njingas that has coverd a vast area that cud b used fo other things.

9 years ago

Police must have alesson frm the situation.we are all malawians therefore we dont have to treat one another as rivals.Cause of the riots wz confsction of d bicycle which wz in good condition and propely placed at the rank but it took greedness,pomps and ignorance of the provoker dressed in civilian wth complcated eyes n useless challenger that could remind us abt wine drunkerd man.Thanks bicycle operators for ur effort to uproot such uncitzen acts in our own securty system.

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