Kamlepo implicates ‘shameless’ Chaponda on his kidnap: Speaks in Malawi Parliament
Firebrand politician and Rumphi East legislator Kamlepo Kalua gave a statement in Parliament on his abduction, naming and shaming fired Agriculture Minister, Dr George Chaponda and the Deputy Inspector of the Malawi Police Duncan Mwapasa of being behind his abduction.

He also accused police of staging the whole plot and misinforming the public that he faked his kidnap.
According to Kalua, the chief suspect to his abduction was Chaponda, who he described as “shameless”, saying he wanted to deal with him for implicating him in the Zambia maizegate scam and his open criticism on worsening corruption in government and his threats to reveal names of seven Cabinet ministers alleged to be involved in ‘grand corruption’.
“I have been a victim of the fight against corruption, Cashgate and the Maizegate. The President keeps on pestering me on the seven names when he is failing to deal with one name that the whole country knows has cases to answer,” said Kalua.
Kalua, who is also People’s Party (PP) third vice-president and vice-chairperson of Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC), also accused the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), for using the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA), and the police for character assassination
“My abduction was planned by some DPP senior officials. They want to deal with me for being the most critical,” said Kalua.
He said “the DPP officials like Chaponda wanted to kill or dethrone me. After they failed with issues concerning the tax evasion, and that I possess a South African stolen car, it’s when they abducted me.”
The outspoken legislature also attacked the police and Minister of Information Nicholas Dausi, for lying to Malawians that he abducted himself.
“The Police kept on contradicting themselves when they say they took me to Naperi Hospital. The police knew I was at Seventh Day Adventist Hospital [Blantyre Adventist Hospital-BAH], but they preferred to lie,” said Kalua.
Kalua claimed the plot was to harm him fatally and also mentioned Chaponda’s son-in-law Dickson Shumba, who is married to the former minister’s daughter Rejoice Chaponda Shumba (spokesperson at ministry of foreign affairs) of spying at the MPs house.
“If I was found dead, they [police] could have said I committed suicide because I was running away from evading tax.”
He then told Malawians that the corruption fight is for all Malawians, and not for himself.
About the names of the seven cashgate ministers, Kalua said he has all their names, and will disclosed them another day in the Parliament.
Speaker of the National Assembly Richard Msowoya did not allow debate on Kalua’s statement.
Kalua was dropped at Kwacha roundabout in Blantyre after missing for 11 days.
Meanwhile, in the House, Kalua warned DPP for taking people from his area for granted, especially by mocking him while in the Parliament.
He made the remarks after he was mocked by the Minister of Labour, Henry Mussa when he stood to respond to the question raised by the Zomba Mtonya legislature to his ministry.
“Mr Speaker Sir, allow me to inform the Rumphi east legislature that my shirt collar is a Chinese one, this why I am not in a neck-tie,” said Mussa.
The development angered Kalua, who stood up on a point of order to warn the Government side against such remarks.
“Mr Speaker Sir, I want to warn the DPP Government that it will regret one day, for taking me and the people of Rumphi east constituency, for granted,” said Kalua.
He said the DPP Government can use different plans to deal against him, but will not succeed.
Speaker Richard Msowoya, sustained Kaluwa’s point of order, and told the minister (Mussa) to stop saying such remarks.
Speaker Msowoya said the question raised by the Zomba Mtonya legislature to his ministry, did not have anything to do with the Rumphi east MP, and pointed out “it was a carried question.”
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A Kamulepo!!! You cheated people of Rumphi East that some Northerners were involved. Could it be Richard Msowoya who stopped debate on your purported abduction to avoid being mentioned?
You said you went to inspect your project at Chileka with your son; where was your son when you were being kidnapped? Was he the northerner you referred to in Rumphi? Kodi mukumangabe ku Blantyre? Nanga ati atukule ku Mpoto ndani? Abale atumbuka kukonda kummwera!!!!! Ndamva kutinso akukonda pakati mpaka Livingstonia synod yonse kusamuka?
It is disgraceful to note that some misguided Malawians would be convinced by Kamlepo who himself is non-entity in the country.The Kamlepo zealot,has nothing tangible to offer to the nation leave alone,the Constituency is representing.What is doing now is to provoke Malawians to waste their precious time,in coming to his ungodly nonsense.As Iam writing this personal account on this good for nothing crook and uneducated embacile,his own voters in Rumphi East Constituency,are already trying to find some one who would stand in the 2019 elections.This is the man who has misled people into believing that he is educated and that… Read more »
Kamlepo is a hero my friend…..hate it or love it. have u been to his constituency?
i foresee malawi falling apart.malawian politics is so full of henchmen that are ready to kill for their masters.DPP is no exception.so many opponents of ruling party have lost their dear lives by these blood suckers.one day,that country will explode.northerners ain’t stupid as you fellas think they are.that country will burn-believe me.
You will listen when DPP kills one of your loved ones
Malawians,it seems to me the whole lot in Parliament,is confused hence,the MPs are there to make money for themselves instead of representing the people who voted for them.Right now,we have gargantuan sufferings our people are going through because the people they voted for,just mind about their own interests.Iam originally,coming from Rumphi East and Iam flabagasted to see that since the multi-party era,I have never seen any economic improvement that could have enhanced the living standard of our people,each MP is elected,he or she is concentrated to accumulate as much funds to build his own life and that of his/her family.For… Read more »
Are you in Malawi yourself? if you are from Rumphi east then you should know what Kamlepo has done on the ground, dont just hate….ask wabbale wako kukaya……
koma Ku DPP kuli anthu anzerudi? iwe usalimbane ndi hot current, ngati uli wanzeru peza platform yako nawe tikumve. mbuzi za wanthu inu.
So the Parliament sitting is about Kalua abduction and Chaponda?? This is indeed waste of time and money.Please give us a break.I’ve heard so much about Kalua and stories about Chaponda please find us other stories.Mr Kalua must retire I started hearing about him in 1992 when he was claiming to have lots of tonnes of maize to help poor Malawians and until now.Nothing tangible from him.
peter is 30 yrs older than Kamlepo
Musatibowa a Kape inu !!! Malawiana have better things to hear !!!
A party of criminals.