Karonga DPP MPs in K46mil Development Fund scam
Members of Parliament (MPs) in Karonga belonging to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have reportedly used for personal gain K46 million meant for development projects under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), Nyasa Times has learnt.

The chief orchestrators are deputy Minister of Education Vincent Ghambi (Karonga North) and James Bond Kamwambi (Karonga North West).
Councillor Wiyule Kanyika of Kaporo Ward and Ngerenge Area Development Committee (ADC) chairperson Nelson Mwakisalu told Nyasa Times that Ghambi has been defying procedures to withdraw from the fund.
“The CDF has been eaten up by our MP Vincent Ghambi and his party followers,” Kanyika said.
He added: “Even the procedure of withdrawing the fund was not followed as it is supposed to be signed by me as councillor of the area after the ADC has identified the projects. What our MP is doing is that he is using his power as a Minister to take the fund from the office of the district commissioner without the knowledge of anyone.”
Kanyika further said that there was “no good relationship” between the two since he belonged to a different political party.
According to him, Ghambi has been refusing to attend meetings so they could sort out the issue.
Kamwambi, too, is reportedly using the ADC chairperson in his area Smith Kalambo to cover his sins.
But in an interview he quashed down the allegation saying “I work hand in hand with all the councillors regardless.”
Ghambi, too, admitted there being bad blood between him and the ADC due to “some misunderstanding.”
He said “the report that I pocketed the fund is not true as I use traditional leaders to carry up development projects for the CDF in my area especially because the ADC have many duties.”
The district civic education officer for the National Initiative for Civic Education Trust (NICE) condemned the malpractice saying “according to the law the ADC chair is not allowed to have two positions especially a political one as it jeopardizes the transparency and accountability process.”
She added: “I am also wondering how the office of the district commissioner disbursed the fund without following right procedures.”
However, district finance officer denied commenting on the matter while referring this reporter to the MPs to explain how they withdraw the fund.
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Cashgate stl persist bcoz there is no accountability in our leaders
I hope this is not a duplicate as you take it.Mapwevupweve is not enlightened and he does not know where is Karonga.He must not condemn all the Northerners as culprits.Those who corrupted that K46b are a very few selfish people who do not care about the rest.Should the people of Malawi condemn all the Lomwes for Ndata and CASHGATE scandals?That is not being fair to others.Comeon be a civilized Malawian and WAKEUP!!
The Karonga scandal has come when Mpoto is crying for development funds especially on infrastructure which lags behind the two regions not because of the KM46m which has endedup in individual hands,but also due to brutal regionalistic politics which has so far inflicted untold economic devastation of the region.Since independence the region has been completely abandoned as far as economic advancements are concerned,this actually,was enhanced by the Cabinet Crisis of Sept.1964,when Banda,Tembo,Muwalo, Chakuamba and Kumtumanji accused the Northerners of hatched a rebellion to take over the leadership from Banda hence,the naked victimization of the region.The misuse of K46m therefore must… Read more »
Now I can see that our country is drifting fast into a volcanic hole,it is sad that some Malawians like a fool Mapwevupwevu doesn’t even no that Karonda is in Malawi.What a fool soul.Has tribalism reached that diamention? For instance,Karonga is attacked by foreign elements,the government is going to fold its hands and claims that Karonga is not an integral part of the Republic of Malawi? We have along way to go because even the national leaders just let such dangerous catalyst spreads its venomous tanacles.It is not a jock,but it is a real threat to people on one hand… Read more »
Akusatira m’mene akubera wamkulu waku state house ndi mkazi wake.
Bokho, you say they are stealing for their last time as if it is you who gave them the chance to steal in the first place. When they vie for the post they turn themselves into saints and you can not know they will be vultures once in power. I see it as a battle for the 2019 MP. They are just smearing mud at each other. Why should fund be disbursed to a few people when the law says there should be such and such a signature? There is no truth in these complainants.
True of olamulira, more to come sanati. Cashgate will never die mind you
What Kanyika is saying shows that he is ignorant of CDF procedures, no where is it stated that a councillor is a signatory. Ngati mumasainisana ku Karongako is against the laid down procedures.
They need t be fired immediately. This is another cash gate yet under the DPP