Kasakula ‘Hitting the nail’ in Malawi News: DPP’s hopes are on tribalism, regionalism

For a party that thrives on tribalism and nepotism in the 21st Century, I am not surprised that the DPP is doing all it can to frustrate the Electoral Bills that are meant to bring sanity to our elections.

Government of the Malawians, by the Lhomwes, enjoyment reserved for the Lhomwes

What is wrong with making sure that we have a president with a broad mandate, one we can all be proud of? What is wrong with making sure that the polling station is efficiently managed to safeguard the will of the people in elections?

But I do get it. DPP knows fully well that there is nothing wrong in demolishing nepotism, tribalism and regionalism.
The only difference is that President Peter Mutharika and his DPP bootlickers are sacrificing the common good at the altar of narrow partisan interests because they believe their only chance to win an election is when someone will remember which tribe they are and which region they come from.

They know they have failed decimally to govern this country. They are a bunch of liars who are good at promising heaven to Malawians, when they pretty well know that what they will deliver is hell.

They cannot implement anything tangible and incompetence among them runs deep.

You just have to look at how they are failing to find a solution to the energy crisis, the chaos in that sector and the conclusion is always the same: We have a bunch of incompetents governing.

And the chaos is deep and debilitating. Today, the President will promise blackouts will end in December because generators are on the way and, tomorrow, his Finance Minister Goodall Gondwe will trumpet importation of power through an interconnector to Mozambique or Zambia.

After that, they will also talk about building more Hydro-power Stations or empowering the Independent Power Producers (IPPs) to help supply power into Escom grid.

At the end of the day, all you have is chaos and nothing happens as Malawians are in blackouts and their livelihoods are threatened and the administration does not seem to care.

Corruption and cronyism are on the rise. Honest and hard-working Malawians are literally slaves who break their backs to pay tax, yet it ends up getting stolen by DPP thieves at Capital Hill.

Simply put, this is a government that must be voted out faster than it came and it knows it.

The DPP government knows Malawians are angry and the anger was clearly on display on October 17 when voters delivered a stunning blow by not voting for it in by-elections across the country, from Lilongwe to Nsanje via Blantyre.

The reality that DPP might be heading for 2019 electoral disaster is not lost on the mind of the party.

Its only hope lies in tribalism, regionalism and nepotism.

Somehow, this administration thinks that voters will forget about its incompetence, rampant corruption and general bad governance and vote for it by remembering their tribes and regions.

This is arrogance and insolence of the first order. It assumes that Malawians are zombies who will leave thieves to continue stealing their tax by retaining them in government regardless.

DPP is in a false comfort zone. Malawians have voted on regional lines in the past, alright; but they have also shown that they can punish political parties that sacrifice their interests in preference to partisanship.

That is why the late Bingu wa Mutharika won the 2009 elections by a resounding 66 percent of the vote and it was not from one region but all the three administrative regions.

This is what the DPP is missing. Regionalism and tribalism have consumed the party’s soul and they now guide its stand on national matters.

The DPP government lied to Malawians that crucial electoral bills were not ready when the reality is that they had been ready long time ago but that all it was doing is to find excuses to delay them so that Parliament could rise without putting a finger on them.

The obsession, with the view that DPP will continue benefitting from regionalism, has even led to characters such as Grace Chiumia throwing away all protocol by showering insults on Public Affairs Committee (Pac) members, who are largely religious leaders.

This is immoral. What crime has Pac committed, apart from championing that we have robust electoral laws that will ensure the integrity of election results and the credibility and acceptability of a man or woman sitting at the State House? What is wrong with this? Why is the President not seeing this?

Why can’t he accept that he has failed to govern us and maintain his integrity by refusing to stand in the 2019 polls and retire to the US quietly?

I cannot understand how a whole professor of law could be resisting reforms to tighten elections because he thinks he will be a beneficiary of tribalism and regionalism in systems 21st Century Malawi.

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A h chisale
A h chisale
7 years ago

We are very pathetic Malawians. The fact that well behaved people are trying to make us refrain from this kind of writting that is encouranging tribalism, some who are born tribalistic are still writting such things and misleading many to become tribalistic again. This is bad. Jaunalists write to make news but its bad. Let you know as far as you keep on writting this way tribalism will never end and voting will remain the same…let us change please…learn to write that will unite Malawi.

7 years ago

WOW!! Wished this message was aired in all good radio stations and individuals speaking to their reltives wherever they are! So, so true!!!

7 years ago

People like Kasakula are hypocrites – the central region is the one that is tribalistic. 50+1 will not solve our problems. The people advocating for the reforms are simply myopic. Our country cannot affors two elections. For the first time, I DO NOT agree with PAC and my Roman Catholic church. Let them SHUT UP!

Zangazanga Ncube
7 years ago

1999 election Results

Bakili Muluzi UDF = 2,442,685 (52.34)

Gwanda Chakwamba Aford/MCP alliance = 2,106,790 (45.21%)

Kamlepo Kaluba= 67,856 (1.45%)

Daniel Nkhumbwe Congress for National Unity = 24,349 (0.52%)

Bingu WA Mutharika UP = 22,064 (0.47%)

Invalid = 80,021

Despite Muluzi winning by 52%, north and central were dissatisfied. Our problems are beyond electoral reforms.

Mbonga Matoga
Mbonga Matoga
7 years ago

If regionalism exist in Malawi then I would say that Chewas are the only silly tribe that votes for leaders from other regions than voting for one of their own. Lomwes are not that many in Malawi when compared to Chewas and their splinter group the Mang’anjas ……..they are indeed a formidable force to be reckoned with as far as regionalism is concerned. What the Chewas should do if indeed regionalism is hurting them, they should come together and do exactly the same as the other tribes being accused of regionalism here are doing. The problem is that Chewas including… Read more »

Incompetent Professor
Incompetent Professor
7 years ago

DPP will dismally be shown an exit blow in 2019. Thats the power of the ballot. Its a gun every malawian hold in their arsenal to get rid of cronyism, tribalism & nepotism in running govt affairs.

7 years ago

It is good that Kasakula knows that Malawians vote on regional lines. This is why his Chewa tribe votes for MCP because the party originates from the centre. Has Kasakula once asked his Chewa tribesmen why they did not overwhelmingly vote for Bingu in 2009 despite all those goodies in the central region? So Kasakula has come to his senses and has discovered that with the current system of voting the DPP will not be booted out of power because the Lhomwes are a majority? But Kasakula should know that even the central region have people who give DPP winning… Read more »

Binnwell Kachikopa
7 years ago
Reply to  santana

I have never seen a dull person like iwe amakuti satana iwe, why then dpp is sitting on the 50 + 1 if you know Chakwera cannot win? And where in the world a sane person always backs corruption? It is you Santana who is very insane and always backup anything dpp does, even atiti akubibireni mkamwa a dpp mukhonza kuvomera because you are chalked ndi cashgate. Let real Malawians express real feelings, dpp is torture, evil and cunning. Dpp is a bunch of thieves

7 years ago
Reply to  santana

Tribalistic and nepotistic reasoning from a fool who doesn’t know that Malawi is funded by our taxes. Lunatics like Santana do NOT have a place in modern Malawi….what with all these inter-marriages? We know of Tumbukas who have married your Lhomwe sisters, what does that make their children? Usatinyase ndi primitive thinking yakoyo! In any case, who told you that your DPP won in 2014? Why do you burn ballot boxes each time there is a need to recount? Msungama? etc……. 50+1 is NOT for MCP or Kasakula and get it through your nepotistic, tea-plucking, gondolosi-smelling face!

7 years ago
Reply to  santana

Who told you Lomwes are in Majority. Get statistics right! Mbuli yachabechabe.

You haven’t gotten what the article is addressing. You are brain washed with Kalongonda

Kent Y.G. Mphepo
Kent Y.G. Mphepo
7 years ago
Reply to  santana

Just a matter of correction: Lomwes do not form the Majority in Malawi. In fact, Lomwes are not the largest tribe in the South-Eastern region (Mulanje, Thyolo, Phalombe, Chiradzulo). The Mang’anja of Chewa ethnic group through Lundu, are in majority. The formation of Mlakho wa Alomwe and the controversial appointment of Ngolingoliwa as Paramount Chief has put Lomwes in limelight (and this was Bingu’s political strategy) and created the impression that everybody in that region is Lomwe. This is statistically and historically wrong and heretical. It is when the sit of power moves out of Thyolo that the true size… Read more »

Fake Petros
7 years ago
Reply to  santana

Primitive people like satanas still believe that in the 21st century voting should still be based on regional, tribal lines. Such embiciles have even the audacity to bragging about SUCH. Very unfortunate indeed. No wonder ka dziko kali pa umphawi wazaoneni. Dziko lotembeledwa.
Point of correction, other tribes have voted for you lomwes. Anzanu amavota zoti zithandize dziko osangovota ngati mbuli ati poti awa ndi ambuye.

Ben phiri
Ben phiri
7 years ago

How many countries in the world use 50+1 ballot system? Even with first past the ballot, MCP cannot beat DPP as bad as it is, the problem is MCP not the voting system. Even 50+1 DPP will win MCP is a waste of space.

Binnwell Kachikopa
7 years ago
Reply to  Ben phiri

Unless okavota ndinu a Beni Phiri ndi akazi anu okha MCP singawine koma ngati ovota ndi a Malawi ndiye MCP is winning mufune musafune, no sane Malawian can go for dpp this time around and if MCP is a waste of space then Dpp is a nightmare, a bunch of useless and corrupt snails .

7 years ago
Reply to  Ben phiri

Nde mukuopa chani, if DPP will win with or without 50+1? Mutoopa kubwelera kokatchera tiyi aMbwiye!!!

mlomwe was Ku MJ
7 years ago
Reply to  Ben phiri

The law is not for MCP. Its for the country. All of us will use it in future. Even DPP cannot win with 50+1. Never! Remember, Pete got just a mere 36% in 2014. Even mayeso a Primary 36% ndiye kuti walephela

Do we still need to be ruled by unpopular leaders? Never!

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