Kawale inaugurates K29bn Dowa Irrigation Scheme, emphases irrigation farming key to achieving food security

Agriculture Minister, Sam Kawale has today emphasized that investing in irrigation farming is key to achieving food security, Malawi 2063 and bolstering the economy.

Kawale was speaking in Dowa district during the inauguration of construction activities for the Dowa Dambo Irrigation Scheme valued at K29.1 billion.

“Implementation of this irrigation scheme will significantly enhance the country’s agricultural output.

“This will lead to increased food production and income generation through the sale of the harvested crops,” Kawale said.

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Country Director, Bernadette Mazarura Mukonyora said they are committed to supporting the government through sufficient funding to meet its development priorities.

“We are committed to funding this program to empower the government in promoting food security and enhancing food production in the nation,” Makonyora said.

In his remarks, Dowa Ngala MP, Arthur Mavuto Sungitsa hailed the commencement of the project within his jurisdiction.

The scheme, spanning 453 hectares, will be executed by the Foundation for Irrigation and Sustainable Development (FISD) in collaboration with a joint venture between the SAWA Group and SICO Companies.

This is the eighth scheme by the government through the Department of Irrigation under the Programme for Rural Irrigation Development (PRIDE).


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