Kill gays in Malawi, demands Msonda: ‘Devil has no rights’
While the debate on government’s decision to temporarily suspend anti-gay laws rages on, one of the country’s politicians has demanded the killing of all homosexuals, as a best way to deal with the issue.

Ken Msonda, a spokesperson and administrative secretary for former ruling Peoples Party (PP), has since called on the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government to openly clarify its stand on homosexuality.
In December last year, Minister of Justice Samuel Tembenu revealed that Malawi has imposed a moratorium on anti-homosexual laws pending a decision on whether to repeal the legislation.
Tembenu said a review of all colonial-area sodomy laws would be launched in consultation with the people of Malawi, and ordered the release of two men who were arrested charged with having sex “against the order of nature” in Lilongwe.
But Msonda has taken different approach to the issue.
Writing in his personal capacity on social media, Msonda labelled homosexuality as an act of evil.
”Government should come up clear on the DPP administration stand on the issue of gays and lesbians,” wrote Msonda on his Facebook account.
”Gays and lesbians are worse than dogs,” he said in apparent reference to what Zimbabwea President Robert Mugabe said.
In an angry tone, he described gays and lesbians as sons and daughters of the evil one – Jabulosi (Satan).
”Arresting them won’t address this problem because sooner or later they are being released on bail. The best way to deal with this problem is to KILL them!”.
Msonda also lashed out at the country’s media for providing a platform for homosexuals to express their views while creating debate on the issue.
”It is pathetic to see our media houses parading these dogs on TV and newspapers hiding behind human rights – human rights my foot! THE DEVIL HAS NO RIGHTS!,” a seemed angry Msonda added.
Msonda’s stand on the issue followed a debate one of the media houses initiated on homosexuality.
And two weeks ago a war of words ensued between top musician Lucius Banda and gay rights activist, Gift Trapance after the artist had expressed his disgust towards homosexuality.
Banda was once forced to prematurely jump off stage while performing in Mangochi after he spotted two gays, amongst the crowd, kissing.
Many Malawians are not happy with the imposed moratorium and religious leaders have asked the government not to relent to pressure from Western donors by allowing same-sex relationships.
Others who have urged Malawi to reject same sex unions include South Africa based Major Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, Archbishop Luka Thomas Msusa of the influential Roman Catholic church and musician and Balaka North law maker Lucius Banda.
Since 2012, the US government has put more than $350m (£230m) into supporting gay rights groups in sub-Saharan Africa.
According to U.S Ambassador to Virginia Evelyn Palmer, who recently reminded the State not to arrest, detain, charge, or pursue people engaged in consensual same-sex activity, the rights of LGBTI persons are human rights. –Additional reporting by Yamikani Simutowe, Nyasa Times
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aphedwe basi agalu amenewa dey dont deserve to leave here on earth at all
aphedwe basi agalu amenewa iwe ukuti trapec go to hell you will realise but it will be too late for you .our dear Msonda for the first time you stand for God I know God will stand for you one of those days.uuuuuu nalakwisa galuso aliko bwino coz male dog go for female dog shame on you
Kill and burn them
Thank you Spiralx. It surely confirms that Malawias are still living in the dark ages . It is just amazing how even the mostly highly learned people can write such negative homophobic comments based on religious beliefs!!! I am scared of my fellow Malawians. The war is just beginning. Shameeeeer
Ken ndi ndolo muthu wazeru than petulo muthali ma gay asowe basi imeneyi nde satanic yayamba kuonekera ku malawi be careful guyz
Za umve basi
Everyone Who Supports Gayz Is Foolish And Stupid Mulungu Adalenga Mwamuna Ndi Mkazi Mbuzi Inu
Although most politicians have no brains,this one is beyond repair.Who is he to judge so sternly?As for the Roman Catholic and Lucius,do they know that the first person to translate the bible was hanged coz it was deemed immoral?What was the stand of the church when someone first suggested the world was round? The church(catholic) was once the custodian of morals in Europe and it led the continent into the dark ages.Bear in mind that the church itself is not African,it imposed itself on Africans bringing with it colonialism.Today fools like Lucius and his more foolish bishops want to be… Read more »
a msonda, musaope coz u have said the truth……and i can agree with Lucius Banda who said government should call for a referendum on this issue. ndithu tione ngati ngati apezeke ovotera nyasizo….mxieeew mathanyula ife ayi amalawi takanilatu
big up msonda dpp is pwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii paja ka gwazi kawoka mka geeeeee don’t 4get