Killer driver in Mzuzu University student accident fined K300 000

The Mzimba MagistrateCourt has convicted and fined Steven Nkwinika 38, K300000 for causing death through reckless driving.

The court heard that on November 20, 2018, Nkwinika who was driving a Toyota Dyna registration no NA 8928, hit and killed a third year student at the Mzuzu University (Mzuni) Miss Witness Gondwe 24, of Kathabwa, Village T/A Chikulamayembe in Rumphi.

According to Police prosecutor, Henry Mkweche, Nkwinika was answering three counts and the first one was causing death by careless driving contrary to section(C/S) 126(4)(c) of the road traffic act which he was charged K250,000 or in default to serve a custodial sentence of 12months.

On the second count, he was charged K30,000 or to serve six months imprisonment with hard labour for carrying unauthorised passengers without a road service permit class A(C/S) 83 of the road traffic act.

On third count, Nkwinika was answering a case of driving with an expired licence (C/S) 141 of the road traffic act which attracts a fine of K20,000 or in default to serve a custodial sentence of six months with hardlabour.

Mzimba police deputy publicist, Catherine Nsolomba said the deceased died on the spot due to severe head injuries and excess loss of blood.

“We are appealing to all drivers to drive carefully to avoid road accidents which are claiming many lives in the district,” said Nsolomba.

Nkwinika comes from Mangaliso Village in Traditional Authority Chindi in the district.

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6 years ago

I DO NOT SEE ANY DETERRENT in this judgement and punishment. Drivers will still keep on killing innocent and more productive people than themselves all the time on the roads of Malawi
If this was reckless driving why cant he be fined to a long custodial sentence? What will the MK300,000 do to the believed family? This is a joke of ones life really especially one that would have provided all to her family

6 years ago


6 years ago
Reply to  Victoria


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