KliK Foundation starts climate protection activities in Malawi

The Foundation for Climate Protection and Carbon Offset KliK—the carbon offset grouping of the Swiss motor fuel importers—started supporting the development of climate protection programmes in Malawi under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

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In a statement dated 30 November 2022, KliK Foundation says “the way is paved for this ambitious climate action” following Malawi and Switzerland signing of a bilateral agreement for cooperation under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement at COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.

KliK Foundation further says interested programme developers as well as companies that develop and implement climate friendly technologies and innovations suitable for the creation of Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) can register and submit their programme ideas on the newly created country platform malawi.klik.ch.

These programmes, according to KliK Foundation, will complement Malawi’s own NDC implementation activities (Nationally Determined Contribution), meet highest environmental standards of the two countries and increase ambition of Malawi’s climate action.

“All information about the activities of the KliK Foundation, the application process for financial support, the eligibility criteria, and the participation process to submit programme ideas for financial support are available on the mentioned platform.

“Several programme ideas are being developed already by renowned international companies, including the Lilongwe Programme of the company C-Quest Capital with its improved cook stoves initiative for rural areas, or the Malawi Dairy Biogas Programme by ACT, Sistema.bio and Ecogen,” the statement reads in part.

KliK Foundation is mandated under the Swiss CO2 Act to offset parts of the carbon emissions generated by the use of motor fuels in Switzerland.

To this end, the KliK Foundation supports and organizes international climate protection programmes in accordance with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement with the aim to purchase the resulting ITMOs.

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