Kottana’s murder suspects luxury time behind bars: Having phones, laptops on remand

Three suspects remanded at prison in connection with the death of Kottana Chidyaonga are reportedly  living in relative  ‘luxurious’ time, Nyasa Times understands.

Diana Bhagwanji : Remanded to prison

Despite the seriousness of their crimes, Prison sources told Nyasa Times that Timothy Mtilisanje (28) , Gilbert Kamaliza (29) and Diana Bhagwanji  (23) who are the suspects charged with murder offecer found that the loss of liberty was all they  have suffered but living  like they are in in a “holiday camp”.

Said a prison source: “ The suspects have access to their mobile phones, lap tops and special arrangements for their sanitation.”

Apparently, influential people in the society are palm oiling prison warders and police officers to take good care of the suspects in fear they will reveal other culprits behind the death of the girls who are not yet arrested.

The suspects  will be on remand up to 4 February 2020 as the State works out on paperwork to commit the case to the High Court.

The three were arrested on 14 January 2020 following a forensic autopsy report conducted and release by Dr. Charles Dzamalala at Kamuzu Central Hospital.

Initially, Kottana was reported to have been bitten by a venomous snake at her boyfriend’s (Timothy Mtilisanje) house dying the night of 3-4 January 2020.

The released report reveals there could be foul play in the events that led to Kottana’s death.

Police are also following leads implicating other prominent figures.

However, an associate professor at College of Medicine  Steve Kamiza is challenging the Dzamalala autopsy report in the court after he was engaged by lawyers of one of the suspects in the death of Chidyaonga.

Among others, Kamuza says Dzamalala did not say whether the purported snake wound did not have snake fangs buried inside.

He argues that Dzamalala did not say whether the brought snake had its fangs  on/inside to rule out snake bite.

“That the laboratory tests should not have been deferred due to positive tests of termik substance in the system because positive tests are not uncommon in lab practice,” says Kamiza.

Timothy Mtilisanje hails from Mkungula village in Zomba while Gilbert Kamaliza and Diana Bhagwanji are from Likoma and Zomba respectively.

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5 years ago

There are a lot of things in this story that don’t add up, and hereby explain: 1) why is the judge and everybody else involved in this case doubting the deceased call to her mother ‘affirming that she had in fact been bitten by a snake’. 2) everywhere in the world, one can only remain in custody up to 48 hours, unless proven otherwise. Why are these innocent people (yes innocent) in custody? 3) who is responsible at the hospital for having out of date meds!? Is this hospital director not guilty too!!! This out of date meds ended up… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  AnNova

You are talking sense now! Can these other people claiming there was no snake bite respond to these questions please???

5 years ago

Mr Gwede. please investigate a few things. Firstly what medicine and treatment was given to her at the private clinic. Secondly why did the deceased call her mother and say that she was bitten by a snake. ( was she a part of her own murder?). Why did Dzamalala not proceed to test for snake venom especially that the deceased herself had told her parents that she was in hospital because she had been bitten by a snake.
This Mr gwede might provide interesting reading.

5 years ago

I read Dr Dzamalalas report on the death of the girl in question. If my memory is right he concluded that there were no snake bite wounds to colerate and coraborate the story. I find it rather disturbing that another pathologist is challenging this finding. In any snake bite, it’s true that the fungs are left and embedded inside the fresh at the bite site but there will always be bite marks and because of poison the bleeding at the bite site doesn’t immediately stop. The fact that there was not bite mark and and that there was no wound… Read more »

Mtonga Mwana
Mtonga Mwana
5 years ago
Reply to  Neil

My thoughts as well. Thanks Neil

5 years ago
Reply to  Mtonga Mwana

Educate yourself on snake bites before you comment.

5 years ago
Reply to  Neil

So are you saying that Kotanna was involved in her own “murder” as she called her mum to tell her she was bitten by a snake??
Get yourself educated first before you write nonsense. Go read more about snake bite and how they have different bites where some leave no marks.

Mnyamata wa nzeru
Mnyamata wa nzeru
5 years ago

In a case like this one, the suspects’ gadgets should have been collected and kept ( in line with forensic procedures ) for further investigations. These are the gadgets which they might have used to plot the whole crime…if at all.

John Wik
John Wik
5 years ago

What horrible writing. They are ALLEGED criminals. They have not been convicted of ANY crimes. Writing “their crimes” is blatantly misleading and incorrect. Please. Are you people real journalists or just hobby writers?!

5 years ago
Reply to  John Wik

Forget the legal terms, just look at the grammar and structure – its pitiful…more comedy than news

5 years ago

Complete and utter lies being reported as “news” while nobody wants to report anything about the EXPIRED medication that was administered to Kotanna without proper equipment. Wow Nyasatimes. Well done!

wa Nyau
wa Nyau
5 years ago

za anthu andalama izi simungazivetse

5 years ago

“Despite the seriousness of their crimes…” sorry, what crimes exactly? Have these people been found guilty of murder? Innocent until proven guilty

James phiri
James phiri
5 years ago
Reply to  John

Challenge the other facts. Enjoying is relative as well. We all know in Malawi prisons prisoners are not accorded the luxury of having and using cellphones and computers. If true, why are these prisoners so special

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Kodi nde kutinso munthu atakupeza red handed ndi innocent until proven guilty nso

John Gray Gufa
John Gray Gufa
5 years ago
Reply to  John

Walankhulatu ngati sumapita nawo ku ma demo a Jane Assah kuti atule udindo chifukwa chosokoneza chisankho pamene nkhani inali ku court.

5 years ago

Instead of writing about stupid things that are not true why not actually say how these people are murderers? Stop talking nonsense about innocent people who are locked up for nothing. You clearly have nothing else to talk about

5 years ago

I understand you are aware that you’ll be held liable for what you write because you are supposed to conduct investigative journalism not reporting mabodza basi. It is already a traumatizing experience to be suffering in jail for the crime they didn’t commit and you come here and say they’re enjoying??? Since when has a Malawi jail ever been comfortable to anyone???? Trust me, this time you are going to explain to the judge and provide evidence of such. The families of the the suspects have seen this and are going to react accordingly.

Objective Commentator
Objective Commentator
5 years ago
Reply to  James

It’s amazing how emotional people can get when defending their friends/accomplices/relatives. Tell me the last time you saw justice being delivered in Malawi on a crime like this! This article purports to inform the general public that the suspects are being accorded VIP treatment in jail which is not standard practice. As far as i’m concerned, the journalist has managed to convey this message and every well meaning Malawian must be worried about this.

Some of the comments here are very suggestive. No sane person can make them unless they were involved in the crime in one way or another.

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