“Let love lead”, says Rev. Maulidi ahead CCAP Blantyre Synod’s elections
Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) Blantyre Synod is calling upon its Faithful to remain steadfast in prayer to ensure that the Synod holds a free, fair, transparent and accountable elections from the Sunday’s August 27-31 at St Michael & All Angels Multipurpose Hall in Blantyre.
In a message aired on Blantyre Synod Radio ahead of the biennial conference, the Synod’s Deputy General Secretary, Rev. Baxton Maulidi said key among the items is the election of the Synod moderator — a position currently being held by Rev. Edna Navaya.
Also up for grabs is also the position of Synod vice-moderator presently occupied by Rev. Ernest Mpate and the conference is also scheduled to elect a general secretary a post currently being held by Rev. Dr. Billy Gama.
Rev Maulidi thus urged delegates to the conference to come with one mind and aim of building the synod.
“Let love lead,” said Maulidi whose position is the only one not being contested for as it will only fall vacant in 2025. “Let us work together in building our Synod. We need to forgive and forget where we may not have done well as a Church.”
The theme for the gathering; ‘Here I am Lord-Send Me’ — taken from the scriptures according to Isaiah 6 vs 8 — aims at urging each member of the church to stand ready to serve the Lord.
“This is an important conference where we discuss various resolutions made from various committees and departments of our Synod to see what has been achieved and where we could have done better.
“It presents an opportunity to build our Synod as we strive to serve the Lord as we know that He makes us all strong together. So, we are asking the delegates to pray for the success of the conference in order to move forward and serve the Lord better.
Delegates to the meeting have been drawn from all the 18 Synod Presbyteries and sister Synods of Livingstonia and Nkhoma as well as from Harare, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa.
“We also will have other partners from abroad such as USA and Ireland, who support us in various ways,” went on Rev. Maulidi. “We have gone through tough times, but God has been with us all the time.
“We have been strong throughout and we need to stay that way and where we’ve had some shortfalls, let us forgive one another and forge forward in our service to the Lord.”
Maulidi thus appealed to all congregants and delegates to share his message of love urging them to think of God first as the meeting is scheduled to take stock of the synod’s performance, review decisions made during the past two years of general assembly conferences and also receive reports from departments and committees.
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