Likoma youths decry lack of sexual and reproductive health services
Youths in Likoma have bemoaned lack of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services at the district’s hospital.

In an interview, Chimvu Youth Club chairperson Yamikani Chindebvu said there was no special room for the youth to access SRH services at the facility.
“The youth are shy to go to hospital to access condoms and contraceptives because there is no special room or arrangement to enable young people to freely explain the kind of assistance they want,” he said.
Chindebvu attributed the problem to the unavailability of a district youth officer on the island.
“Several youth activities are affected because there is no office to coordinate them,” he said.
Chindebvu said the youth need several activities to keep themselves busy from indulging in risky behaviour.
Tumaini Njikho, a youth, said they are suffering in silence due to lack of SRH information and services at the hospital.
Likoma District Hospital youth-friendly health services coordinator Godfrey Kandiero said previously there was a special room for such services, but due to other pressing matters, it was occupied.
He said SRH services are available at the hospital and the youth can access them any time.
“We do a special arrangement with the youth who are in need of such services since they need privacy,” said Kandiero.
He, however, admitted that the absence of a youth officer has crippled youth activities.
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