Lilongwe Council tightens procedures for signing of passport application forms

Lilongwe District Council says it has instituted strict measures in processing of passport application forms to bar people originating from other districts who throng their offices to have their passport application forms stamped.

Palani: Council will strictly entertain applicants whose original home district is Lilongwe.

Speaking in an interview, District Commissioner (DC), Lawford Palani, said the council will strictly entertain applicants whose original home district is Lilongwe.

He said the council would start turning away any passport applicant who fails to produce a certification letter of endorsement from the Traditional Authority of the area in Lilongwe where they come from.

“We want to have a clean system that is why we will be registering only people whose original district is Lilongwe since we have noted that most of people that come to register and apply for passports are not from Lilongwe.

‘’People whose original home is not Lilongwe should go to their home districts to apply for the passport and process it,” Palani said.

The DC said his office would no longer accept endorsement letters from block leaders or village headmen since the local council is not familiar with their signatures. He said this gives chance to some people to dupe his office.

He added that passport application forms shall be signed only upon verification of the village roll register under the records of the gazetted villages.

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John Banda
John Banda
6 years ago

Hopeless. Why does people have to travel for days to get a passport? Very backwards if Malawi wants to develop its bureacrats should stop such productivity hampering rules and start realising that they are here to serve the public.

6 years ago

You were sleeping on the job my friend this should have started with the first form your office started processing because that is what is required by law

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