Livingstonia Synod replaces Nyondo with Reverend Tembo as new GS

Longtime serving and controversial cleric of the Church of Central Africa Presybeterian (CCAP) Synod of Livingstonia, Reverend Levi Nyondo, has been replaced at the Synod’s 37th biannual conference held in Chitipa on Saturday.

Rev Tembo: New general secretary of Livingstonia Synod
Rev Nyondo:  Pleased with succession

Over 400 delegates to the conference from the Synod’s branches in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, among other countries, attended the high profile conference.

Reverend Willy Tembo got 199 of the 430 votes cast beating Reverend Timothy Nyasulu and Reverend John Gondwe who got 49 and 182 votes respectively.

During the conference, Reverend Isaac Malongo was also announced as the new Synod’s moderator.

The moderator focuses on the spiritual affairs of the Synod while the general secretary manages the administration.

It was also announced that the next Synod of Livingstonia Biannual General Assembly will take place in Bandawe Zone.

But some members to the delegation told Nyasa Times in separate interviews that they had great reservations about the new general secretary, Tembo.

“He [Reverend Willy Tembo] has been very close to Levi [Reverend Levi Nyondo] and was more of a puppet. So, personally I feel like Nyondo will still be pulling the strings behind the back,” said one delegate who did not want to be named.

Nyondo was quite controversial during his time as general secretary especially for his criticism of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on such issues as the quota system.

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Nyakwawa che nyaxxy
Nyakwawa che nyaxxy
3 years ago

Good riddance to this vile creature

3 years ago

Whatever people may say against Nyondo I choose to be different, he stood for the truth of the Synod as well as the common people. You are my hero Nyondo for calling a spade a spade and not a big spoon. I wish your successor to emulate some of your ideas.

3 years ago

I am happy that Levie Nyondo is no longer heading the Synod. He was a shame to to true christians. He was behaving like a politician.

3 years ago
Reply to  CULTURE

His political behaviour was pegged on the Church as being responsive to the challenges the smallest citizens do in the times. The citizens at worst have not any podium from they voice their concerns. Levi Nyondo was simply upholding that tenet as a spiritual guide of his Church and his people. He was our Desmond Mpilo Tutu he seized hard issues of the day adequately interpreted them for all to appreciate their place in our Malawi. Now that there is an exit for him let him breathe high and deep to reflect on his participation

3 years ago

Chisinsi chimene Chauta amapereka ku nkhosa zake. Whatever reservations one might hold against the new office bearers the Church has spoken through its ministers. Talk about Elijah and Elisha proximity to the leaders during their term of office speaks volumes about loyalty. All who questioned the prophetic mission of Moses got swallowed into ground. Thanks that the conference took place at Bandawe the birthplace of Christianity in the Northern Region. My congratulations to the new crop of Church leaders

3 years ago

Ngati Nyondo will b closer, that is better because we do not want to miss Nyondo…….he has served us so well especially when we were almost overrun by DPP as a church……he kicked DPPs butts kkkkk

3 years ago
Reply to  Joni

Nyondo has never served the synod well. He has been a disgrace, a witch and a man calling himself a reverend yet he was not. Wachita makora walutenge wakapumule but should he attempt to mislead Tembo, we as synod owners will not hesitate but to demonstrate. Nyondo wakafike makora. Yipumule fwiti tisopeko makora mxiiiiiii

3 years ago
Reply to  Mwaulambia

Akulu, Nyondo was more of a Politician, walutenge nadi, watilengeskanga uheni. Eti generalising kuti waliyose wa Livingstonia synod wati ngwa MCP???? Uchindere pera. Walutenge nadi uyo.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mapopa

His open hatred for people from other regions was unprecedent. Let he go. He was a disgrace to the body of Christ

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaude

Disgraceful people are all you the DPP cadets who were happy when our bright kids were being discriminated through the stupid and discriminatory quota system introduced by the Muthalikas’ administration. Nyondo fought the battle through and through and won.

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