Major says MPs will boycott Malawi parliament meeting over allowances
Members of parliament have threatened to boycott the mid year review sitting of parliament on Monday unless the National Assembly gives them K2 million allowance for each legislator in advance.
However, parliament says there is no way the allowance can be disbursed before the members of parliament report for duties.
At a meeting on Tuesday, over 50 members of parliament agreed not to report to parliament on Monday if allowances are not deposited in their bank accounts by this Friday.
Chairman of Parliament’s Social Welfare Committee, Alex Major, confirmed the MPs would only attend the parliamentary business only if allowances are deposited in the bank accounts by Friday for the Monday meeting.
“The honourable members need the money to buy fuel from their respective constituencies to Lilongwe. They will need the money for food as soon as they arrive in Lilongwe,” he said.
However, National Assembly spokesperson Leonard Mengezi said allowances are paid on the first day of seating of parliament.
“Parliament can only give allowances to members of parliament who are present and this can only be done on Monday after they have registered. Parliament cannot just give out allowances even to honourable members who are not present for one reason or another,” he said.
The MPs get K50000 each legislator for each day parliament is meeting.
This mid year review meeting is expected to last for four weeks, therefore each legislator is expected to get K2 million for the whole period.
Major must be invested on his academic qualifications. Normally it is JC holders who make such kind of unwarranted demands so that they miss proceedings while they attend to their personal businesses when they have already pocketed the allowances. Clerk of Parliament and team please show some seriousness – MPs must be paid on daily basis, not in advance as if they are going to conduct business outside the country. That is another form of cashgate. I will rule Gambia for 1 billion years while some MPs will be voted out in 2019 for immorality and poor performance.
These MPs dont have common senses at all….
kkkkk! People in the village are starving with hunger while the are enjoying money
Hypocrites ! Others in Government go months without salary. If they go for workshop it’s full board so what is this nonsense. My MP for Mzimba whatever ….Mr Makwenda l expect you to be honorable enough to be there. Go there and discuss maize gate, drug shortage, poor roads, inflation not personal interests. After all azikupatsani mukatha session daily tone ngati mungajombe
Why do the MPs get sitting allowances when they are also on salary? Are they some sort of board members for parliament? This a duplication of compensation. Learn form our Tanzania neighbor, president Magafuli, who told off his MPs: Choose between a salary or allowances because you cannot have both! They chose salaries.. After all these MPs are rarely in house, the same applies to our ministers.
Mute, I agree with you! Why should MPs be paid an allowance of K50 000 a day in addition to their salaries for doing their jobs? Does it make sense? And many of them never attend parliamentary sessions! Can newspapapers and radio/TV stations keep a daily attendance register on these hypocrites and report to the nation? We need to know those that are really attending to their jobs and the dead woods! Now I understand why baboons or monkeys in a group are called ‘a parliament of baboons/monkeys’!
Just cancel the midyear budget review as no benefits will accrue from it. Cashgate has already depleted the coffers
Ma MP mbuzi za anthu. You are busy siphoning money from government coffers through the useless parliamentary inquiry. It was established that no money was lost. What then do you want to prove with the prolonged inquiry. Don’t you think the K500 million you have eaten so far could have been better used to buy medicines for our hospitals? Kongelesi tulo, kupha ndi kuononga
This is why Malawi is poor. Its because of Allowances. What do they do, sleeping. Nothing is agreed in the parliament. Important issues are not done. Eg. ACB and MEC these are most Important issues of the nation. Norwagian embassy has questioned Allowances. Its so huge Allowances Malawians get. Is it better they get high salary. Most Malawians live or get more in Allowances than salaries. Everytime they go abroad just for Allowances sake and meetings out of offices Allowances. Why can they not have meetings in conference room in the same building? Because get food money too. U see… Read more »
This clearly shows what kind of MPs we have . Their interest is in money and nothing else .They are paid monthly salaries . Did they not budget for the trip to parliament which they very well knew was coming. Once at parliament then, they will get their allowances which will replace what they spent. Koma kufuna kuzilemeletsa at the expence of the nation. Calculation ya Mk 2000,000.oo ikuchokera pati ? If what they get is sitting allowance at the rate of Mk 50,000 per day; Is two weeks now translating to 40 days?
Do we in malawi need a parliament after all , seriously !? ofcourse we need to make rules and laws to govern ourselves but of what use are these laws when its tripple clear that they are applied selectively ?all animals would believe that all animals are equal but search me ! arguably , some animals are more equal than others , malawi case ! no wonder allowances first budget second laws third !…..koma yaaaa ! sweet home sweet !
Tikufuna Ndalama tikasanzike, mwaiwala? Njalayi anthu akugona mkhonde kwa mp kufuna chakudya, drugs, ambulance etc. Mukuti Ndalama tikazitenga kuti??? Tathawa Ku constituency anthu kuvuta, kufuna ma handout daily.