Malawi Airline first female Captain inspires school girls to aspire
Malawi Airline first female Captain, Yolanda-Ndala Kaunda has urged girls to aspire to attain greater heights in any field including those dominated by men.

She said this on Friday at There is Hope in Dzaleka, Dowa when she gave a motivation talk to girls doing various technical and Vocational Courses at the institution.
Kaunda said realizing ones dreams in life depend on one`s resolve, and that this entails defying all odds.
“To attains one`s dreams is not easy, there are always challenges coming in form of discouragements from people, lack of resources including school fees. But if one has the will power and resolve, then you definitely achieve,” she said.
The First Malawi Airline Captain said she had to sacrifice certain things and focus on attaining her goal so that she becomes what she is today, urging girls be prayerful and remain focused on their dreams.
“I was the only female student in a class of 80 and there were people who were saying that I could not but I decided to carry on,” she said.
Kaunda advised the students not to be discouraged by their family or economic background saying although nobody chooses a family to be born from since it is a gift from God, defining one`s future rests with oneself.
Executive Director of the Institutions which runs a Bible School, Innocent Magambi said they decided to invite Yolanda to talk to the student in order to inspire them.
“Yolanda, being a humble friend, we thought of bringing her to talk about how she broke through the industry dominated by men, to enlighten the girls and the boys so that whatever they learn here will motivate them to push the boundary,” he said.
Yolanda-Ndala Kaunda was the second Malawi`s female Pilot but became Malawi Airline first female Captain, in March, 2016, one of the highest level of responsibility within the ranks in the aviation sector
Well done, Ms Kaunda. A great example to Malawi youth.
Absolutely inspiring… Well done.
It needs connection and money or else will remain a dream for ever and ever. If is just hard to get a driving lincense in Malawi . What about being a pilot?????
Kuganiza uku munthu sungakafike nako kulikonse,ulesi uwu wammaganizo