Malawi angry villagers plan vigil at DC office to oust ‘corrupt’ chief
Irate villagers from senior chief Kuluwonda area in Salima say they will hold a vigil at the district commissioner’s office to force the chief out of office on alleged corruption and dictatorial tendencies.
The leader of the villagers for the vigil, Geofrey Juma said the vigil will be held on April 16.
“We want chief Kuluwonda to be out office. She is corrupt and dictatorial therefore not fit to be our leader,” said Juma.
He said the letter of the intended vigil was sent to the district commissioner’s office on April 4.
Juma said a proposed vigil had been postponed in the past to pave way for negotiations which have since collapsed.
DC Rodney Simwaka said chiefs are not dethroned through vigils.
He said there are procedures on how traditional leaders are dethroned.
Simwaka said negotiations will go on in a bid to unite the warring parties.
Chief Kuluwinda described the allegations as untrue and smear by some people who want her position by crooked means.
anthu akusalima dyera musiyeni mfumu yayikaziyo ilamulire, winayo angokunamizani nditindalamato iyeyo amake kwao ndiku mozambique akhala bwanji mfumu mdziko laweni