Malawi artist Sangie to perform at SADC summit

Malawi’s rising female musician, Sangie, is billed to perform at the 35th Summit of Southern African Development Community (SADC) Heads of State and Government in Botswana.

Sangie: It’s a dream come true.
Sangie: It’s a dream come true.

The “I Do It All For Love” singer is among six artists that have been picked to perform at the opening ceremony on Monday.

Other musicians to perform at the conference include South Africa’s Siphokazi Maraqana, Zambia’s Scarlet, Mozambican Anita Macuacua and two others from Lesotho and Seychelles.

Confirming the trip, Sangie’s manager Promise Matatiyo also disclosed that the vocalist is expected to fly to South Africa today (Friday) for a recording session.

“There are 15 artists from 15 different SADC countries who will be recording an anthem called ‘Imoshi – We Are One’ which spreads the message in protection of the ecosystem in the region.

“Out of the 15, only six will perform at the Summit and Sangie will be representing Malawi as the country’s ambassador of the ‘Imoshi’ project,” disclosed Matatiyo in an interview on Thursday.

The “Imoshi – We Are One” project is produced by Akwafrica Productions and an invitation letter  further confirms: “You [Sangie] are one of those 6 artists who we delightedly found to be appropriate for Gaborone and continuing to be part of our family”.

Reacting to her invitation, Sangie, who has been in the limelight for less than a year, described it as a dream come true.

“From the start I wanted my music to go international and working with SADC artists is also a big thing not only for me but my country too,” she said. “I get to set to my fellow young girls [that] hard work pays. Being a girl is a most precious thing.”

The 20-year-old added: “Thanks to the team behind Sangie, it’s barely a year and am already going countries”.

According to the correspondence, after the recording and performance at the SADC summit, Sangie is expected to represent Malawi in many more events to follow for the next two years.

Furthermore, Akwafrica is expected to host the Mankind´s Home TV Show to be broadcast live for 30 days as they record the Imoshi album with all the 15 artists for the world.

Project Imoshi has been endorsed by the Mandela International Film Festival and given an annual exhibition in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, starting on the 5th December 2015.

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yanjanani Chikwati
9 years ago

we love u sangie….ur dih only queen of reggae we av………….

Mahopu a Sanjie
Mahopu a Sanjie
9 years ago

Zimenezi ndiye sound little Queen….beating Wendy,Tygris oh Sangieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Chiyambi Samunjamba
Chiyambi Samunjamba
9 years ago

Congratulations Sangie, we wish u the shining female imosh star. One Malawi one lmosh

9 years ago

the only female artist Malawi has so far…………

vitumbiko bwata-b
vitumbiko bwata-b
9 years ago

sangie u r indeed queen of reggae. …

vitumbiko bwata-b
vitumbiko bwata-b
9 years ago

kip t up sangie u do great job as reggae music iz concerned

Kenny maytaya
9 years ago

kp it up gal u will put Malawi on a map

dennis buju
dennis buju
9 years ago

ya go ahead sangie but malawian artist mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mbola mumatchuka koma dollar mulibe limbikira xul basi

Zina kambu zina leku
9 years ago

She has the voice and courage to manage stage. Go for it girl you can make it

Snr superitendent Anthony phiri

Gd things we r proud of sangie

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