Malawi babies’ revolution time: 2019 voters’ certificates will be weapons of mass destruction
The youth uprisings that led to the Arab Spring started on December 17 2010 in the small town of Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia.

The historic revolt started when fruit vendor Mohammed Bouaziz, 26, set himself ablaze in protest against massive youth unemployment, economic hardship, corruption and repressive rule.
The incident comes to mind following recent calls by the former first lady Callista Mutharika for President Peter Mutharika, her in-law, not to contest in 2019 Tripartite Elections and leave the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) mantle to youthful Vice-President Saulos Chilima.
Politically, the widow of former president Bingu wa Mutharika has set her fingers on fire the same way the young Tunisian burned himself to bring to light problems affecting the youth.
The boy died on January 4 2011, exactly 18 days after the act of self-immolations which pushed outraged youthful Tunisians to take to the streets in solidarity and to demand a fair deal from a political system in which they did not count.
Bouazizi’s self-immolation was the last straw that broke the camel`s back.
In Malawi, Callista’s call for new blood in State House remains a hot topic of discussions that would result into a revolution by young people calling for youthful leadership.
We have witnessed the wind of change that blew in Arab countries where aged and cunning leaders, who have been in power for decades, have been forced to leave office in a day.
I am one of the youthful aspirants for the May 21 2019 Tripartite Elections because I believe the youth are no leaders of tomorrow, but of today.
I see the forthcoming election as an opportune time for the youth to stand out and be counted by vying for elected public office.
On the contrary, remarks made by Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development Goodall Gondwe, who is DPP vice-president for the North, are shocking.
In a speech subtly attacking Chilima, Gondwe said that running affairs of government is serious business and not meant for “babies”.
He argued that it was wrong to think of replacing Mutharika with ‘a baby’ ahead of the 2019 polls.
Gondwe should realise that the so-called babies constitute the majority of the population in which his kind are supposed to be enjoying their retirement, not delaying the future the youth want.
Sooner or later, these ‘babies’ shall cry loud and crawl to take out the old buddies from their comfort zones. That will be the genesis of a youth revolution.
Young people no longer appear to be bound by hegemonic political discourse and party ideologies.
They are creating their own spaces to engage the State and society.
The Tunisian revolution, led mainly by disenfranchised young citizens, was a powerful example of active citizenship outside traditional political structures and has opened up a space for major transformations.
The Arab Spring was an awakening on the African continent where young people need to fight for what belongs to them.
Libya, Egypt, Senegal, Sudan, Angola, Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa formed youth movements to fight against repressive rule and corruption in government.
In Europe, too, young people came out on the streets to express grievance over economic hardship and unemployment.
Young people are not cowards. We are watching keenly, knowing that even tear gas and live ammunition shall not work the day ‘babies’ craw to the streets to demand a fair share of milk hidden by the old guards.
As the youth, we need to unite regardless of party colours to participate in the forthcoming polls by standing as councillors, members of Parliament and presidents.
May 21 next year could be a day of revolution for Malawi. Our voters’ certificates will be our weapons of mass destruction.
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though callista is old woman koma watiunikirabe basi
This is silly writing. Calista is no youth, she has her own agenda, Calista is rich from ill gotten wealth, why people should praise her is beyond me. Chilima was brought into politics by Muthalika, therefore the politics he knows is Muthalika politics. It is mind boggling the simplicity of Malawians. By definition, Chilima is Muthalikas son, and Malawians believe the father is bad, but the son will be their saviour? What this writer fails to tell you is that there were two youth that set themselves on fire, on survived and regrets it because things are now worse in… Read more »
Atupele has let us down by getting orders from his old father, he follows what his father tells him , otherwise he started with a very nice slogan but he ended up by distroying himself praising the gogoes , maybe SKC is to rescue us the young generation . Keep it up SKC , we are all in your support, come 2019 we want a new Malawi with a young leadership . WINA ALIRA WALIRAKALE
The youths in countries mentioned (Kenya, South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Angola, Kenya, Libya and Zimbabwe) are mostly educated, politically & socially aware and are wide awake. Most of the youth in Malawi are uneducated, politically & socially unaware and unfortunately sleepy; in a coma perhaps. To wake these youths up, one needs some serious “medication” and awareness campaign to boot. There is no way on earth that the youth revolution that is and is still happening in the world will ever take off in Malawi……not in the next 20 years.
This is good point Sir,
Mungovutika, Chakwera wayenda moyera. Mu DPP mwachuluka anaMphwiyo
Keep dreaming.
Good writing – for a bit of content about the Arab spring. I agree with your argument against Gondwe, but the for the rest, I think your logic is flawed. For example, do you honestly thinks what Callista did is equivalent to the case of the young man in Tunisia? Shame!! If that is your honest assessment, then Malawi doesn’t have hope even from the youths like you!! And I don’t see you being a catalyst for change if you get elected. And this is the root cause of our problems in Malawi, young people like you rush into raising… Read more »
Countrymen, while I believe that this is indeed time for the youth I always fear that the majority of our youth are ill-keep for leadership. The reason for my reasoning is simple: for 25 years Malawi has not invested adequate resources in your development. Again, I don’t think that leaders have been a good example to youth. Thirdly, unlike in the 50s and 60s when youth such as Kanyama Chiume, Masauko Chipembere, John Tembo, John Msonthi, Gwanda Chakwamba, etc were holding senior positions in government, the current youth have majorly been pushed to the fringes where they carry panga knives… Read more »
Sensational article but can our young generation stand up? They are sleeping, drinking and accepting their rights being violated. I am one of the youth of today. I am not happy with my situation. Even if I earn MK500,000 net a month, things do not add up.
What about a jobless youth in Mtsiriza, in Mbayani, in Chileka, in Makhetha in Ndix Ville, in Chilobwe, what about those youths in Mtepuwa, Baka in karonga, Mango tree in Chitipa, etc. Mabvuto alipodi. Our life span is 50 for the strong. Enafe moyo sitidzawunjoya basi.
Resource inadequacy is a worldwide problem perpetuated by worldwide systems. You do not necessarily change things by changing leadership that is riding on failed systems. You change the system first and then align new leadership with that system. Chilima Movement is non-starter, opportunistic at best. Our mindsets are correlated with existing systems. No matter who ever attains a presidential position will shuffle the same cards that are being shuffled currently. Chilima Movement would be a true movement if it was agitating for change of governance system, but not necessarily trying to install Chilima as president with the same governance structures… Read more »