Malawi to benefit from U$122 million new World Bank project to fight TB, lung disease
Malawi is one of the four (4) low income countries in Southern Africa that shall benefit from the new U$ 122 million World Bank (WB) funded project called Southern Africa Tuberculosis and Health Systems Support Project.

The initial project planning meeting has been successfully held at the NEPAD Agency Head Office in Johannesburg, South Africa from 30th – 31st May, 2016.
Madalo Nyambose, Director of Debt and Aid at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development in Malawi led a delegation that attended the initial planning meeting.
According to Mrs Nyambose, her Ministry will ensure that the resources provided by the WB are prudently utilized for the intended purpose by close monitoring and supervision of project implementation.
She further added that the project will be implemented by the Tuberculosis Control Programme at the Ministry of Health in Malawi.
“The role of Malawi on the project is to also establish a Tuberculosis Public Health Centre of Excellence and the TB Control Programme will be transformed in to this centre,” explained Mrs Nyambose.
She further explained that according to the just completed TB Prevalence Survey the number of TB cases in Malawi is double the estimated detection.
As a result, this project comes at the right time in order to ensure early diagnosis of the disease to give patients the utmost chances for successful treatment. One of the biggest challenges in addressing TB is that most of the patients in the vulnerable communities seek treatment late.
The project is aimed at strengthening the health sector’s response to Tuberculosis and occupational lung diseases in Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.
The project mainly targets mining communities, regions with high burdens of TB or HIV/AIDS, transport corridors, and cross-border areas.
The funds have been approved by the World Bank (WB) Board and the NEPAD Agency and East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC) will provide knowledge, and make sure that there is coordination and harmonization of activities to achieve the objectives of the project.
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Thieves are just ready for the loot.Already,budgets are being formulated by the chosen ones and soon as that US$122m lands on Malawian soils,it will directly destined to the private individuals just like the AIDS funds which went to certain devious women with connections to the top leaderships,while the victims of the deadly killer malady perpetuated to suffer from incredible pains.The World Bank Project must devise credible mechanism to ascertain that the victims of TB and lung disease are cared for with diligence and transparency otherwise this $122million,will find its way on the seats of BMWs,AUDs,Benzs and other luxurious vehicles.That is… Read more »
Yes…another cashgate in waiting led by mbala yaku TB ndika girlfriend kake komweko
Cash gate in waiting.