Malawi civil servants head count ends, officials computing data

Government says head count for civil servants has finally come to an end but authorities are keeping a tight lid on the results following donors assertion’s that Malawi has a ballooned civil service that is draining on the country’s meagre resources.

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Spokesman for National Audit office Lawrence Chinkhunda said it will take time before the results are made public.

“We are now in the process of computing the data then we will give the results of the head count to the authorities first but obviously the public will be informed,” Chinkhunda said.

The head count was sanctioned after donors, led by the International Monetary Fund expressed displeasure of the government wage bill amid fears there were some ghost workers on government payroll.

However Chinkhunda could not say there were ghost workers on government payroll.

Reports indicate that the head count has revealed that critical ministries of, agriculture and education are grossly understaffed.

Chief Secretary to the Office of the President and Cabinet George Mkondiwa said the ministry of health has 40 percent of its workforce.

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9 years ago

Be objective when handling issues. Come up with sound decisions from the results of the head count, don’t be emotional.

9 years ago

mituyo mukawerenga nkhalambazi muzichotsrkonso mmaoffecimu…nkhalamba zigwira ntchito mpaka liti.. ku Ministry of information muonekonso ku capital hill komko munthu sakupita ku any work shop koma marecords akusonyeza kuti anali kumchinji amatero….cashgate ikuchitikabe anyapapi inu musatiphimbe mmaso….mukuba ndalama koma satana wakuchenjererani…..kuba kwa chaka chimodzi mukakhala kundende for 14 years….apathee meinanso mulingu akukanthani….pompano…ulamulirowu muumva kunyung’unya ndithu…ngati mumawerenga ma comments awa anankhumwa ndi anzanuwo check ma allawance ku information omwe anyamata awa akugwira ntchito akulandira…..munthu tikucheza naye mu lz mommuno kpma akuti wapita kumchinji papepala….wasigna allowance k20 grand patsiku…..kuchitanso kumuiyaniratu ndalamazo kuti kuli khobidi lanu kuno….nanga yemwe wawatuma anyamatawa kumchinji kwa papeparayo wasigna… Read more »

Changoima Boy.
9 years ago

Komadi zina zikuonjeza,eti mpaka certificate ya msilikali wathu wa mamuna kukhala ndi dzina loti MARIA ROZA,angakhale mamuna ameneyu,achotseni ntchito amenewa.

mixon manong'a
mixon manong'a
9 years ago

We are still waiting.

9 years ago

Head count is one of gud thing only is costly. One in many district council tax collecters without any acountant qualifications are being given jobs kumapanga za ma account aboma coz miseche kwa ma bwana or anagona ndi ma bwana now head count ikuyenera kuika anthu pa malo awo oyenera muli anthu ambiri ali ndi ma qualification sakupedza ntchito coz angokokerana. Data imeneyo make it public aliyense adziona ndi ma salary omwe plus ma qualifications…. Salary harmonise ikhalepo bomamu zitithandiza koopsa….. Komanso ena achoke ntchito dzawo mulibe bomamu khalango anaimwera madzi stil cling to work…. Retirement age ikhale 55 years… Read more »

9 years ago

It is indeed questionable of the earnings of the chief secretary.

9 years ago

So many Acting positions in govt, nde paja mumatutumula za ghost worker tationetseni ghost worker yo

9 years ago

Try and error government musova

Dr Haswel P. Bandawe
Dr Haswel P. Bandawe
9 years ago

Maybe I find it strange that Government did not have an updated head count of its employees because I have never been a civil servant. But is it not the case that there is such a thing as Civil Service establishment? And that there are known vacancies and vacancy rates? Isn’t the budgeting of civil service salaries based on known number of civil service employees and prospective new recruitments minus retirements/ retrenchments? Did it require the IMF to force the Government to produce a head count of civil service employment? In this day and age of computers, I find this… Read more »

Rector Kamoto
Rector Kamoto
9 years ago

Thats true that most of government ministries and departments are understaffed and this is making the civil service not to perform efficiently and effectively.There are many vacancies in top postions and their are discharged by the junior staff.Though the IMF is advising the government to reduce the wage bill,its duties and responsiblities will be affected.

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