Malawi College of Medicine launches basic certicate course to equip academic staff
College of Medicine (COM), a constituent of the University of Malawi, has launched a one year Basic Certificate in Medicine and Health Science Education (BCMHSE) training course for lecturers at the college.
The objective of the course is to contribute to the improvement of teaching in the undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the medical school through continued professional development of lecturers.
Accoridng to Chairperson for College of Medicine Education and Training Office, Dr. Emma Thomson, the T course has 13 modules for all and three modules which are specific to lecturers of particular faculties.
She said the certificate is designed to equip academic staff at the college with pedagogical skills.
Thomson said they are giving the lecturers “weekly modules that take 20 minutes to complete to allow them attend other duties.”
College of Medicine introduced the course after noticing a gap since some lecturers were performing well in class where they were picked when they were students but still need more skills to be good lecturers.
The course will be delivered using web-based lessons and offline-eLearning applications.
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Good idea and commendable. Spread it to the general public not be as an in-house course.